Chapter 2

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Matt pressed one more kiss to to my lips before the two of us hopped out of his truck. We decided we didn't want to tell the gang right away (or my overprotective brother), so we've been sneaking around for two months. It honestly turned me on more than it should. But I knew we'd have to tell them soon because Stella was started to snoop along with Kelly. I swear that man could smell out when I was interested in a guy.

We walked up to the firehouse, joking around as normal. I saw Stella walking over, so Matt quick turned and whispered in my ear.

"Meet me in my office later," he grinned before waving to Stella and heading to the locker room.

"What was that all about?" asked Stella with an eyebrow raised.

"Nothing, he just drank the last of the coffee this morning, so I'm mad at him," I lied.

"Uh huh," Stella nodded, narrowing her eyes at me, "Well we've got a fresh pot inside."

"Perfect," I grinned, heading inside.

A half hour into shift we were all hanging around the main quarters, chatting and sipping  coffee. We were joking around about Kelly and Stella's relationship.

"So Cassie, you got a man of your own yet?" asked Sylvie suggestively.

"She better not," Kelly answered with a slight grin as he walked into the kitchen, grabbing my attention.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, mumbling, "Yeah yeah."


We had a few calls before I was finally able to sneak away to talk to Matt. The gang was focused on a late lunch, so I could easily slip away unnoticed. I opened the door to his office, causing his head to snap up from his paperwork. When he saw who it was, a smile spread across his face.

"Hey you," he grinned as I shut the door and plopped down on his lap, "Finally able to sneak away?"

"Lunch time," I answered simply, playing with the hairs on the back of his neck, "So they're all very distracted."

"I see. I heard there was some questioning of your dating life earlier."

"Yeah. Sylvie brought it up and Kelly walked in."

"Oh gotcha."

"But that reminds me. Kelly is coming over tonight for dinner with Stella. So you better behave."

"Ugh. I'm starting to see the downsides to this sneaking around thing. Now that I've finally won you over, I still gotta pretend I'm not madly in love with you."

"Well it's a good thing you've got the practice."

"Haha," fake laughed Matt.

"Besides, it's in your best interest to wait. Because once my brother finds out, we're both screwed."

"You really think Kelly will have that big of a problem with us dating? I mean he knows me and I like to think I'm not a terrible person."

"You're not. He's just very protective you know that. He has a problem with me dating anyone," I explained, leaning closer to him, "But we'll worry about that when we get to it."

I pressed a kiss to his lips as his hands traveled up my waist to my back, pushing me closer to him.

"You locked the door, right?" Matt asked through swollen lips when we finally came up for air.

"Yes Captain Casey."


I fixed my hair before slipping out of Matt's office. The grin of bliss on my face immediately disappeared when I saw Stella standing outside Kelly's office with a giant ass smirk on her face.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked, pretending I didn't know the real reason why she were standing there.

"Yeah. Next time you and Captain Casey decided to get it on, you might want to be a little quieter," grinned Stella as my eyes went wide.

Just then Matt came out of his office, smiling and completely oblivious to what was happening. When he noticed us standing there, he froze but continued to act like everything was normal.

"What's with the pow wow outside the office?" asked Matt before turning and looking at me, "And what's with the look on your face?"

"She's just in shock," simply stated Stella, bringing her coffee mug to her lips, "I just informed Cass that she should try to keep it down when performing extracurricular activities with our Captain."

Now it was Matt's turn to freeze. We had been caught. Luckily it was just Stella but still. Matt cleared his throat while I finally found the courage to speak.

"Alright. You know we're dating. So what are you going to do with this information now?" I asked Stella, arms crossed as I focused on her, hoping she wouldn't tell Kelly.

"Nothing," she shrugged, "I had figured it out already by the way you were acting lately and after our last talk. I just wanted to hear you admit it."

"So you aren't going to say anything?" asked Matt, wanting clarification.

"My lips are sealed buddy," smiled Stella.

"Even to Kelly?" I questioned and she nodded to my relief,  "Thank God. I wasn't ready for Kelly to murder him."


"We're here!" announcer Kelly as he walked into Matt and I's apartment.

"In the kitchen!" I cried as I mixed the corn bread together.

Kelly entered the room, setting a 6-pack of beer down on the island before giving me a hug with a kiss on the forehead.

"Everything smells good Cass," he complimented.

"Thanks. I'm making cornbread and the chili is in the crock pot."

"Can't wait. Where's Matt?"

"Turning on the game in the living room. Go enjoy," I chuckled.

"Don't have to tell me twice," he grinned, grabbing two beers and heading into the other room.

"You want a beer?" offered Stella.

"Sure thanks."

She popped it open and handed it to me before it fell silent between us. I was nervous, but so knew there was no reason I should be. It's not like Matt and I were going to slip up or something.

"So how's everything going between you and he who must not be named?" asked Stella.

"Good. Complicated, but good."

"What's complicated about it?"

"Well your boyfriend for starters," I sighed, "And then there's the fact that we work together and he's my boss."

"Well your squad certified, right?"

"Yeah. Beat Kelly's record by 1.6 seconds," I smirked.

"So if this thing between you guys gets serious, you could get switched to Squad."

"Well they let me work under Kelly?"

"Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Well lets a good thing to know."

"See, getting better already. What's next?"

"That," I pointed at Matt and Kelly who were laughing in the living room, "I do not want to be the one who ruins their relationship. They're like brothers Stella."

"Maybe brothers-in-law," she teased, causing me to roll my eyes and return to my food, "Okay, I'm sorry. I understand what you're saying."

"So what am I supposed to do?"

"Well, I can always start talking up you being in a relationship in general, but otherwise there's no easy way to break the news. You just gotta tell him."

"He's going to be pissed."

"Oh I guarantee it. He's the most hot-headed man I've ever met. But eventually he'll get over once he sees how happy you are. It'll work itself out. Plus I'll knock some sense into him if I need to."

"Thanks Stella. I don't know what I'd do without you."

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