Chapter 5

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"So I didn't get a chance to see you guys! How was your holidays?" asked Kim as we sat around at Molly's.

"Good! We went to the Holiday Cocktail Festival and actually had a blast," I chuckled, "We spent Christmas Eve visiting his sister and niece then spent Christmas Day with Kelly and Stella. It was a lot of fun."

"That's great! How was the annual holiday firefighter banquet?"

"A joy as always," I stated sarcastically, "I will admit it was nice to dress up and go out with Matt as his girlfriend. Plus it was my first night out since the accident. So besides having creepy higher ups hitting on me, it was nice. I enjoyed myself."

"Gotta Love higher ups. Did they hit on you in front of Matt or Kelly?"

"They wouldn't dare in front of Kelly. They know he'd kill them. I don't think a few of them realized Matt and I were together at first, so they'd start to in front of him. But as soon as his arm wrapped around my waist, they backed off."

"So respectful."

"Tell me about it."

"Speaking of, where is Matt?" asked Adam.

"He stayed at work a little later to get some paperwork done. Although he should be here any second now."

"Are you guys coming out tomorrow for New Years Eve?" questioned Jay from his seat beside me.

"That's the plan. You gonna to be here?"

"Yep! We got the day off."

A few minutes later Matt walked in, all changed into his civilian clothes. I watched order a beer from Hermann at the bar before he spotted me. Matt greeted me with a quick kiss on the lips before sitting down next to me.

"How was paperwork?" I smiled as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Boring. I'd much rather be here with you," he quipped back.

"Well you're here now," I grinned, "And that's all that matters."


New Years Eve

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!" we chanted together, "Happy New Year!"

Matt grabbed my waist and pulled me close as we kissed. His soft lips moved against mine as I locked my arms around his neck. I was completely lost in the kiss until I heard a man clear his throat.

"Can you not make out with my baby sister directly in front of me?" Kelly said snarkily.

"Sorry bro," I grinned as I stepped to the side of Matt.

"No you're not."

"You're right, I'm not."

Kelly rolled his eyes and gave me a quick side hug, "Happy New Year Cassie."

"You too Kelly. I have a feeling 2020 is going to be a good year."

"I mean big things are happening this year."

"That's true. I'll be turning the big 3-0 this year. And I start bartending occasionally here at Molly's."

"And we'll have our one year anniversary in June," Matt added, making my heart flutter.

"You think we'll be together then?" I teasingly asked Matt.

"God I hope so."

Eventually it was time for last call. I went up and order each of us another drink and a round of shots. As I stood at the bar, this drunk guys kept hitting on me and touching. Hermann was on the other side of the bar otherwise he would have said something.

"Dude, I told you. I have a boyfriend. Back the hell up," I threatened in a low voice, posture become more ridged.

"Come on gorgeous. I'm just having fun!" he slurred, smacking my ass.

Anger flashed in my eyes. Just as I was about to hit guy, I felt a familiar large hand resting on my waist protectively

"I dare you to touch her again," Matt said in a husky, anger laced voice.

"Uh nope. I-I'm gonna go," he stuttered, throwing cash down on the bar and stumbling out of his chair.

"Wise choice."

Just then Hermann appeared with a tray filled with my drinks. I thanked him and took it back to our table where Kelly, Jay, Sylvie, and Hailey were.

"You okay?" Kelly questioned, clearly concerned.

"I'm fine. I've dealt with worse," I shrugged, leaning into Matt, "If my strong intimidating boyfriend hadn't come to my rescue, I probably would have knocked the guy out."

"As fun as that would have been to watch, you probably shouldn't get arrested on New Years," Kelly commented as Jay passed out the shots.

"To 2020 being the best year yet!" Jay announced as he raised his glass.

"To 2020!"


Once our Uber arrived back at the apartment...let's just say Matt and I celebrated the New Year in our own special way.


I laid in bed with Matt's arms wrapped around me. He looked down at me and I couldn't help but smile.

"Why are you so smiley?" he asked with a chuckle

"I don't know," I grinned with a slight chuckle, "Before I met you I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason."

"That laugh.. The first time time I heard you laugh all I could think was oh shit. That laugh is what won me over," he smiled, "You know before we were dating, I'd tell you all those jokes just to hear that amazing laugh."

"That explains a lot," I chuckled, "Well your smile is what did it for me. It's literally the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life."

"Oh is it now? Well then it's a good thing I have you around to keep me smiling."

"You're so cheesy! But I guess it's a good thing. It keeps my laughing."

"I love you Cassidy."

"I love you too Matt."

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