Part 1

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camila's POV

For some reason my stupid stepsister, Lauren, keeps going back to her whore of a girlfriend, Lucy. God I can't stand her. She cheats on Lauren all the time yet Lauren always forgives her because "Lucy loves me" or "its was just an accident". Like hell it is, you don't "accidentally" hurt some one you love. I just don't understand why the hell she doesn't just fucking leave her already.

"FUCK EVERYTHING!!!" I yelled, thinking I was home alone 

"whoa there, whats up with you?" she asked me as she walked into my room

I was already annoyed and she's definitely the last person I wanted to talk to. 

So I snapped 

"that slut that you call a girlfriend is my fucking problem and you for being so stupid!" I said harshly

"um OK that was really random and un-fucking-called for!" she barked back

"Just. Get. The FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM" I yelled

I didn't know why I just said that out loud. I mean obviously I meant it but I've never snapped like that before. I honestly don't know whats wrong with me. Why do I care anyway. If she wants to constantly get hurt then so be it, but I couldn't help feeling upset. I just shook it off because I don't care

Or so I thought

Before I knew it, I was walking into Lauren's' bedroom and apologizing for being such a bitch to her just a minute ago

"Hey, Lauren can we talk" I asked

"Not if you're just gonna insult the love of my life again" she said 

When she said that I got this weird sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. It felt like I just got punched in the gut. why did hearing those words make it seem like I just lost a battle I didn't know I was in, but I ignored it and sat on her bed

"look I am really sorry I snapped at you ok, its just that..." quickly remembering what Lauren said about not insulting Lucy I had to think of a lie

 "That..T-That I uh was really stressed out and I was mad at Lucy for cheating on you again and I'm really sorry" I said quickly 

I didn't look her in the eyes because if I did she would know I was lying so I said sorry again and quickly went to my room 

before I knew it I was crying ,I didn't even know why. Its not like this is the first time. I've actually lost count to the amount of times Lucy has been unfaithful, and as I was crying I got that feeling again, but why?

I didn't have time to come up with an explanation because before I knew it I was asleep 

The next morning I woke up and the events of yesterday kept replaying in my head but I quickly forgot about them when my mom came into my room telling me I had to get up for school

I quickly jumped in the shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, put on some light make up, ate breakfast , jumped in my car and drove to school

halfway to school I realized I forgot my backpack.....

and Lauren 

"shit shit shit shit!" I said angrily

I quickly made a u-turn and sped back to my house. As I was opening my car door I saw a very annoyed Lauren standing there holding my backpack

I apologized a hundred times on our way to school but she still seemed really annoyed so I just gave up,parked my car and walked up to the front of the school where I saw Normani and Dinah glaring at me. I turned to see where Lauren was and I wish I hadn't because there she was... kissing Lucy. That was it and all I wanted to do was cry

My friends quickly noticed my change in demeanor and asked whats wrong 

"hey cheech, whats wrong?" Dinah asked as she drew me in for a hug 

"yeah Mila, whats up? you're usually always so happy?" Mani asked me 

" your guess is as good as mine" I said while walking to class  

I didn't pay attention in any of my classes, I didn't even do any of my work which is absurd because I'm the straight A student who always pays attention and does her work, but the only thing I could focus on was that stupid kiss. Why though? And of course I got that feeling again but this time I couldn't hold back the tears so I ran out of class and straight into someone, of course, because I am literally the clumsiest person ever.

I looked up to see who I ran into and immediately knew even through my tears I could still see those beautiful green eyes. wait,what!? did I really just think that,ok weird but whatever. I was quickly brought out of my thoughts when she said something I didn't quite catch.

" I-I...what did you say?" I said trying to hold back more tears that threatened to fall over

" I asked why you ran out of cla- wait, you're crying,whats wrong?" she asked sounding concerned

" I-I Its nothing ok, I just have to go a-and get-get some...g-g-go to the bathroom" I ran away as quickly as possible because at that point the tears started pouring again

I locked myself in a stall and just kept crying

when I finally quit crying I checked my phone and realized lunch was about to start. I looked in the mirror

"God I look horrible" I said to myself

"oh well"  I thought

I begrudgingly made my way to lunch but I wasn't hungry so I sat and a table, laid my head down, and waited for Normani and Dinah to show up 

I picked my head up once I heard a familiar text tone

[from DJ: hey, we won't be at lunch we are stuck in the principles office because we got caught skipping]

I'm actually kinda glad because I didn't want to answer a billion and one questions as to why I was crying, because in all honesty I don't even know what's wrong with me 

But deep down I did, I just had yet to figure it out 

But I would 

Soon enough

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