Part 15

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Camilas POV

Oh I am gonna kill her


"Hey beauti- oh shit...did I do that" She asked while holding back her laugh

"This isn't funny how am I suppose to go to school. It literally looks like I was attacked by Dracula" I said

I couldn't stay mad long, especially with how cute she looked. How can someone just wake up and look this beautiful. she's truly magnificent

"well I may not be able to tell everyone you're mine, but hopefully this will keep them away" She said

"Yeah and you say I say the right things" I said remembering our conversation from yesterday

"It's a gift" she said 

"well as much as I'd love to stay here and stare at your beautiful face we have to get ready for school." I said 

"Ugh...can't we just skip and cuddle all day" she said while pulling me back into bed

"as Much as I would love that...we still have work to catch up on. I still can't believe you stayed the entire time" I said

"Well like I said, I love you" She said while finally getting up

"well I love you too" I said

I got and quickly gave her a kiss before pushing her out of my room


About 30 minutes later we were ready to go

The car ride consisted of hand holding, laughing, and singing cheesy love songs to each other. I loved every minute of it

"OK, I'll see you later Mi Amor" She said while walking away

I had to hold in my excitement or else I'll look like a mad man, but I was definitely screaming on the inside

I got my bag out of the backseat and made my way to meet Dinah and Mani. I haven't spoken to them since the night of the talent show and I know they'll ask a billion questions about where I went and what not , but they'll definitely question my neck first

"OK MISSY YOU HAVE 3 SE- What happened to your neck" Dianh asked

Told you

"it all started in the bathroom" I said


"ok ok so you're telling me you and Lauren are finally together" Mani asked

"yes" I said


"Shhhhhh Dj" I said

"Sorry it's just we have been waiting forever" 

"I have to call ally...NOW" She said while walking away

"Ally? my doctor?" I asked Mani

"Yeah apparently they've been team camren since you first arrived at the hospital. Well Dj has been team camren for a while but somehow started talking to Ally about it. That is literally all they talked about when we went to the hospital oh and speaking of, we got this cute picture of Lauren cuddling with you"  She said while showing me the picture

"aww she is too fucking cute" I said


School was finally over and I was on the way home.

As soon as I got home I threw my bag on the floor and laid down on the couch. 

At some point I must've fallen asleep because I was awoken to the sound of the door being shut quietly.

I'd wait forever (CAMREN)Where stories live. Discover now