Poem 22

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We always here the saying " Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."But is it really the truth? Everyone says it so it must be the truth right? That is not necessarily the truth. At least not in this case.

This is about a girl who was bullied for how she looked and how she acted. The people she thought of as 'friends' were the ones who had told her she was worthless. Keep in mind this girl was only in the second grade. This bullying had lasted till the eighth grade.

Her bullies were there everyday to remind her how she will never be loved. They never let her forget that she will never be as pretty as the girl that everyone else likes. They said that she will never amount to anything in life.

This girl will never forget the impact those words had on her. Those so called "friends" of her are the ones who made her want to leave school and never come back. They are the same ones who had tormented her every chance they got.

Imagine getting to school and the first thing you here a person say is "Why are you even trying to be pretty? You know you will always be an ugly person." These words affect a person whether they admit it or not. They may not tell you how much it hurts or show how much you hurt them. Those words cut deeper than any knife ever will.

Getting called " The worthless girl who will never be anything in life." stays on repeat like a broken record that just keeps repeating over and over so you will never forget it. The pain that those words cause stay fresh in your mind everyday.

When that girl looks in the mirror she doesn't see the beautiful, smart, kind,and great person she is. She only sees what those bullies told her everyday for six years.

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