Eiya's story

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I was 11 when I started my period.

I was in class, my stomach absolutely cramped up. I asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she said yes, so off I went. Nothing was there I went back and told my teacher that I felt sick. She said to tough it up, as it was two o clock and we finish at 3. So I said I had really bad stomach pains and felt like dying. That was when she suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me into the staff room cupboard to get pads. She then took me into the girls bathroom and told me to tell her if I saw blood. I told her that I'd already checked and said no. She took me to class with my pad in when my stomach got worse and I felt like I'd peed myself. I sat holding my stomach and asked my other teacher (male TA, first teacher left early) if I could go into the bathroom, he said no. I told him I was in a lot of pain and he told me to go to the office. The secretary then gave me a look that said: 'ur totes on ur period' I started crying and just fell to the floor, my class then walked out leaving for the day and I sat up, smiled and walked home. My mum was super worried because when I eventually got home (it takes like an hour) I was cover in blood. I was very scared because of how much blood there was. I went into my room and went to bed, then woke up the next morning covered in blood again. I was still made to go to school, but everyone stared at me. :( The teachers all didn't let me go to the bathroom and I just bled on my seat and they all looked in horror.Thanks for listening to my story-Eiya

When i first read this i honestly couldn't believe how horrible those teachers were. Thank you so much for sharing and i hope that each horrible experience you have even if it's not period related that you grow stronger every time. xx

On another note: hey everyone! It's actually been years and just remebered this account so i'll be up posting again :) If you have any funny stories, please message me and i'll add them. Thanks everyone <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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