Chapter 50: Denial Ain't Just A River...

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When I arrived to the ER I walked straight over to the waiting area. "Hey y'all," I said plopping down in the nearest seat. "What up, what up," Darius replied. I scooted up to the edge of my seat. "So D, what happened?"

He held out his hands and shook his head. "I can't say for sure, but I think his weed was laced. He been tripping all morning yo. Like straight spazzin', feel me. He left out earlier to go meet up with some of his homies and he came back on a whole nother level, wylin and shit."

Me and Kevin glanced at each other. "Damn okay. That makes sense," I replied. Darius scrunched his face up. "Whatchu mean?"

"Well he stopped by the apartment earlier completely disheveled." I lowered my voice. "He came in with a gun in his hand. His shirt was bloody. It was just a mess. He said that he," I stopped talking and mouthed the words, "killed Ron." Darius' mouth hung open. "Ayo. What?" He sat back in his seat. "Are you fucking serious?" I nodded my head silently.

"Oh my God! D! I just got your message. I got over here as fast as I could! Is he okay? What happened?"

We all looked up at the girl who was now standing in front of Darius. She looked around at us and then back at Darius after saying hello. Darius chuckled and cleared his throat. "Amber this is everybody. Everybody this is Amber, Mark's girlfriend." She smiled again, this time less awkwardly. "Hey," she replied.

Everybody was still in shock so I spoke up first. "Hi Amber! I'm Alyssa," I said introducing myself, "I'm a friend of Marks."

"Hi Alyssa. Nice to meet you." One after the other the rest of crew followed suit.

"Amb you forget your---"

I looked up and saw Oliver walking over to Amber. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me.

"---phone," he finished. His eyes never left me. "Hey Lys."

"Oliver. Hey!"

"I didn't think I'd be seeing you again this soon."

"Right. Who knew? Small world huh?"

He put his hands in his pocket. "Very small world," he smiled.

Kevin cleared his throat.

I looked away awkwardly. Janelle's eyes grew wide as she looked between me and Oliver.

Amber also looked between us. "I take it you two know each other."

"Mm. How perceptive of you," I replied mockingly.

Kevin raised his eyebrow at me and cocked his head back. "You good?"

"Mmhm. I'm fine."

Amber interjected. "So Oliver is my cousin. Alyssa how do you know Oliver," she said perking up.

"Well---Um. We used to date."

"Oh wow. It sounded like it pained you to say that," she replied. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Mm. Okay," she said unconvinced. "Anyway, I can tell y'all were a cute couple. Shame it didn't work out. Girl what happened? Who betrayed who?" She laughed.

Everybody just looked at Amber like she had two heads. "What the hell is wrong with her," Janelle mumbled under her breath.

I looked at Oliver. He cleared his throat. "You know what," he interrupted, "this isn't really the time or the place to have this conversation., we're gonna end on that note and I'm gonna head out," he said handing Amber her phone. "Alyssa. It's been a pleasure as always," he said pointing to me. He looked around at everyone else. "Y'all have a good night." He turned around and headed across the room.

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