Chapter 61: Go Handle Your Business

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"Kevin," I said walking back over to him. "What are you doing here?"

"T invited me and some of the guys to come over after your mom's party."


"Hey, how was your talk with Oliver?"

"Very eventful."

Kevin raised his eyebrow, I guess expecting the worse. "What happened? Did y'all---"

I quickly cut him off. "Oh, God no. Um. Can I tell you about it later? I really need to speak with Terrance."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Okay. Sure. Come inside." I walked up the steps behind Kevin and followed him inside. "Fellas look who it is," one of Terrance's friends said. "The lady of the hour. Ms. Thot n' bop," he teased. I gave him the finger. "Fuck you Don!"

"Alyssa what are you doing here?" Terrance asked once he saw me.

"I need to talk to you," I said walking over to him.

"Alyssa what--what's going on," he asked suddenly concerned. I sighed. "Come here," I said nodding my head towards the kitchen. I walked towards the empty room, Terrance following behind me. "Lys, what's up," he asked again. I placed my purse on the counter before pulling out the gun he bought me. I looked up at him. His eyes widened. "Why the fuck are you packin! What the fuck is going on? You straight? Do I need to get Kevin," he said heading towards the kitchen door. "No. Please," I said grabbing ahold of his arm. "I came to return this to you."

"Nah. It was a gift. Keep it."

"Terrance, I almost killed someone tonight and before coming here I was on my way to mommy's and God knows what would have happened if I went in there with this," I said holding the gun up. "I couldn't live with myself if I harmed Oliver or mommy. So here take it," I said shoving it towards him. "I don't need it." Terrance still in shock, took the gun from me. He placed it behind him on the counter. "Why'd you almost shoot Lee?"

"I cheated on Kevin with him. Turns out he only came back into my life, because mommy told him to. She paid him to break Kevin and I up and he was successful. When Lee told me I was so heartbroken, but then he tried to seduce me again like I was some weak ass bitch and I don't know I---I snapped. Next thing you know I'm threatening his life with that gun in my hand and I," I paused, "I meant it. T, this is not who I am."

Terrance stood there befuddled. "Wow. Lys I don't know what to say. Everything is so fucked up."

"I know," I said dabbing under my eyes."

"This is a lot to unpack. How is Kevin so zen right now?"

"We're back on good terms and I ended things with Oliver."

"Wooow," he whispered.

"And," I started off hesitantly, " I'm--- pregnant with his baby."

Terrance held his hand on his head. "What the fuck?"

I nodded my head. "I know," I huffed, "and I'm sorry for droppin all of this on you like that.

"Nah. It's okay. You had one wild ass night."

"Tell me about it," I said leaning against the counter.

"How are you though? You know, after everything?"

"I don't know," I said shrugging my shoulders. "Tired."

A knock came from the otherside of the door.

"Can you give us a minute," Terrance yelled out. "We're sort of in the middle of a family thing!"

"It's me," Kevin said on the otherside of the door.

Terrance looked at me to see if it was cool for him to come in. "Yeah. He can come in," I replied.

"Come in Kev," Terrance called out.

"Hey everything alright in here," Kevin asked as he walked over to me.

"Yeah," I said nodding my head. "Sort of."

"Alyssa," Kevin started, but he paused after looking in my brother's direction. "T,  what's that behind you," he questioned.

It caught Terrance off guard. "Huh," he said scrunching up his face in confusion. Kevin walked over to Terrance and reached behind him. He picked up the gun and turned around to face me. Guilt washed over me. "Alyssa. What is Assata doing out? I know I hid this shit. How'd you even find it?"

I cleared my throat before speaking. "I brought it over here to give it back to Terrance."

Kevin grew intrigued. "Why?"

"Because I didn't want it anymore."


I looked down at my hands. "It wasn't safe with me."

Kevin put the gun down making sure his eyes never left me. "Why," he asked walking back over to me. "Is something wrong?"

"I found it because I was going to confront my mom and threaten her with it, but before I could even leave the house I threatened Oliver's life. I felt disgusted afterwards and wanted to give it back to Terrance."

"You were gonna pull a gun on your mother and you threatened Oliver?" Kevin stood there confounded. He shoved his hands into his pants pockets. "Alyssa, Oliver and your mother have done a lot of grimey things in the past, but they don't deserve to die for it."

"My mom paid Oliver a lot of money to break us up," I blurted out.

Kevin was speechless. He looked at Terrance for confirmation. He just gave a silent head nod yes.

"Damn, that's low," Kevin said scooping me up into a hug. "Are you okay?" I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I will be," I said into his neck. After a few seconds Kevin let me go. I dabbed the corner of my eyes as Kevin leaned in to kiss my forehead.

"I think y'all need a minute," Terrance said as he headed for the kitchen door.

"I'm sorry that your mom is such an ass," Kevin started. "I would have sufficed for bitch, but ass works too," I replied. Kevin chuckled. He slid his hands around my waist. "So what are you gonna do about your mom?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't know yet."

"Don't worry you'll figure it out," Kevin said before pecking me on the lips. "I'm still going over there tonight." Kevin gently grabbed ahold of my arms. "MmMm. Lys I don't want you going over there tonight. You had a long day and you're pregnant. You need to rest."

"I can't rest without seeing my mom first," I said standing up straight.

"And you have to see her tonight," Kevin huffed. "Yes." I grabbed my purse from the counter and headed towards the kitchen door. "See ya later," I said over my shoulder. "Later," he half smiled.

"T, I'm gone," I called out from the front door. Terrance appeared from around the corner. "Aight yo," he said walking over to me. "And Lys, whatever you decide to do tonight," he said discreetly placing Assata in my hands, "be safe and protect yourself."

I looked down at the gun and back up at Terrance. "T, I already told you I don't need this," I whispered. He didn't say anything. Instead he slipped my gun back inside my purse. "You'll thank me later sis," he said pushing me out the door. "Go handle your business."

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