Chapter 2

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Max steps out of the front door and into the driveway, shivering slightly as he isn't expecting the cold weather. He makes his way down into Eli's garden and as if on cue, the boy steps out of his front door.
Eli giggles and encapsulates Max into a long hug. The slightly shorter boy's blonde hair is barely brushed to the side, looking like he's just woken up, his tie is stained with toothpaste and to top it all off, he has toast crumbs all around his mouth. Classic Eli.
See, Eli is the only person Max can really relate to, and vice versa. They're both only 'out' to each other. Since, being gay is seen as a bad thing.
"How was your morning then?" Eli asks, scuffing his feet on the ground as they walk out of his driveway. Max stands still for a second and stares at his feet. "It was fairly average, my dad asked me if I have a girlfriend yet though." He mumbles the last part of the sentence, not really sure how Eli will react.
Max could have expected everything except what happens next. Eli laughs. Max stands back for a second, a little surprised. "Does he ever take the hint?" The blonde says with a go of giggles. "What do you mean by that?" Max questions, still confused as to why his friend is laughing.
"I mean, at least around me, you're so flamboyant." Eli explains, still laughing. Max realises and starts laughing with him. "Oh yeah, I am." He giggles, now jogging a little to keep up with Eli's pace.
The two walk in silence for a little while before the shrill noise of a cat meowing breaks through the biting cold winter air. Max laughs as he comes to the realisation that the noise of the cat is coming from his cat, Benny, who's just gone on his morning walk and is sitting on a stranger's wall.
"Hello there." Max bubbles, stroking the black cat's head gently. The cat enjoys this gesture and nuzzles himself right into Max's hand. Eli notices this and grins, wanting to get in on the action, he starts to stroke the cat too.
Eventually, the boys reach school and they are greeted by the horrific but common sight of some bullies beating up a gay year 7. This is honestly just the norm, and teachers will never do anything about it, sometimes even joining in. Nobody ever complains, because it's not seen as ok to be gay.
The boy is strawberry blonde and appears to be far smaller than any of the other year 7's. His eyes are a cerulean colour and his face is full of little freckles, despite the fact it hasn't been sunny in months.
Max sighs a little and sits down on a chair near to the situation, putting his bag down under the table. He pulls out his phone and starts scrolling through Instagram, waiting for the boys to be finished with the younger one. He would go in and defend him now, but that would risk leaking his secret and he would just be tormented and nothing would be solved. Eventually though, the boys finish, and nobody's really around anymore.
Max smiles and decides to take the chance with this kid. He stands up, not even bothering to take his bag, and approaches the little boy. "Hi buddy." He soothes quietly, and the beaten boy flinches apprehensively, since Max is quite tall for a year 10. "It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm Max, what's your name bud?" The year 10 asks, tone gentle and welcoming. "Uhh... I'm Luca."

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