chapter one

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As the suns lights shine through my window forcing me to get up. I barely sit up for six seconds before laying back down with a groan. I slept in for a few more minutes before waking up stretching. I looked around before slowly getting up walking to my dressers. I picked out an out fit white pants and a purple t-shirt taking a shower before heading to the guild.
I got on the trolley so I don't have to walk because I moved and now I stay 35 minutes away in riding distance. I looked at the scenery changing before I arrived in front of the guild.  jumping off headed inside the guild swiping my member pass at the gate. Heading into the guild to see it was as crowded as ever with natsu and Lisanna missing. I walked over to cana and levy my bestfriends only to see cana and bixslow making out. I leaned over and fake coughed. Cana broke apart and smiled.
"hey my love" cana greeted as i smiled.
"I'm going on a mission with Laxus-" I was cut off but bixslow
"your going on a mission with boss" bixslow asked in shock.
"yes didnt I say so. He asked me anyway, cana Can you look after my house I don't know how long I will be gone and I was too lazy to throw out all the food." I said as she nodded.
"anything other than my bedroom" I said as she did a talking movement.
"don't worry bixslow and I will Cristen the house with our steam." cana joked as I scrunched my nose in disgust.
"I'm moving out soon you can have the house to Cristen every last part of it." I told them as cana smirked.
"there's laxus" levy said finally talking. I looked in the direction of where she pointed to see Laxus with his usually outfit of jeans a purple button down and a big furry coat. I waved good bye at my friends as I headed towards Laxus.
"hey I didn't know when to meet you for the mission" I said smiling in greeting as he nodded.
"If you would like to leave now we can." he offered as i nodded.
"That would be great I can eat on the train." I said as he nodded we headed out.
"so if you don't mind my asking where are your clothes." I said as he chuckled.
"I never pack for missions I buy new clothes while in town." he answered smirking as i looked down my face flustered with embarrassment. We walked a few more minutes in silence before arriving at the train. I got ready to pay for a ticket but Laxus beat me too it paying for both. I looked at him in shock as he turn towards me.
"I could have payed for my own ya know" I said as he laughed. I never expected Laxus to be this open I mean I knew he has changed since the fantasia parade but he is openly laughing. Don't get me wrong that's a good thing that he is laughing but why do I never hear him at the guild?
Is there a reason why my heart jumps at his laughter.
"thank you" I finally told him smiling as we boarded the train. As he tried to head to the individual searing I pulled him all the way to the back of the train at a door that was being blocked.
"Lucy what are you doing that room is only for the railways owner." Laxus said as i just giggled stopping at the door.
"Mrs.lucy" they said as i smiled allowing them to open the door.
Me and Laxus walked inside the private room.
"it only has one bed" I said as Laxus shrugged.
"I can sleep on the couch that's no problem." he volunteered shocking me even more anytime their was a single bed involved in a mission natsu always wanted to share the bed instead of sleeping on the floor.
"you don't have to sleep on the couch if you don't want to." I told him as he shook his head.
"ladies need their personal space and why invade your personal space if their is a couch." he said as we sat down on the couch.
"well thank you again also can you explain the mission." I asked as he nodded.
"we are going to oregano. It's a city 4 days away with train riding and we are taking down a dark guild that has kidnapped business owners who have magic. They dark guild has no master and from what the client has told me they have support mages and attack using a potion that makes the hallucinate as long as we don't touch the poison we are good. The Pay is 79,000,000 jewels." Laxus said as i nodded shocked at the pay.
"that's a lot of jewels if you get that from one mission and you always go on s-class missions you must be rich." I said as he chuckled shaking his head.
"I give 2/3 to gramps he finds better ways to use the money." Laxus explained as i nodded at the thought. I turned on the TV quickly realizing that it was getting boring. I wonder if I should ask him why he choose this mission I mean like usually people choose ones that would benefit their magic capability but this one is in oregano a place that Is as dry as cana's juice box. Cana has not had a juice box since before I joined the guild so over 12 years including the 7 year time gap. I looked at Laxus to see that his skin was mostly covered but I remember on the grimore heart attack how he lost his shirt during the attack he had the muscles any one would hope for and damn I would be lying to myself if I said he was not hot as hell.
"Is their something on my face" Laxus asked smirking.
"yeah let me get it off" I said sitting on my knees in the couch as my boob's pushed up closer to his face I lean my body on his chest to see it was a perfect fit when all of a sudden they're was a friction in a good way where I wanted it to stay. I was now face to face with the great and mighty lightning dragon slayer. When you get a really good look at him baby blue eyes, scar on eye, perfectly trimmed hair strong jawline and cheekbones and a pierced earring on his left ear. All in all his face was a huge turn on. (Am I right ladies baby blue eyes or hazel brown.) I swiped my pointer finger across his lips removing the crumb. I smiled as I brought my lips down to three centimeters above his.
"I can be a tease as well" I said before pulling back as the friction slowly left leaving me wanting more. He growled a little scaring me before he walked into the bathroom.
"did I do something wrong." I quietly asked myself
Laxus pov
I leaned back as she whispered to me I could barely think with her breast on my chest ready to pop out of their concealment.
"I can be a tease as well" she said her lips close to mine If I were to lean in we would have been lip locking. She pulled away and a growl came from my throat. I rushed into what I assumed was the bathroom to calm down. If I were to have stayed any longer I would have taken her innocence on that couch. I breathed in and out realizing that I came on this trip with her to get to know her since my heart has claimed her meaning she is mine. My mate is Lucy. I have always felt a calling to her. The attack on the guild, fantasia parade, the grimore heart attack, grand magic games. Every thing just made me love her even more.
"did I do something wrong." I heard Lucy whisper. I wanted to open the bathroom door and take her in my arms to comfort her. I waited a few minutes later against the door left in my thoughts. Before walking out to see Lucy occupied with her knees on the floor looking through CD's.
"what are you doing." I asked sitting next to her as she jumped in shock.
"sorry I didn't know you were there I was just looking for a movie to watch. " she explained as i sat down really close to her loving how affected she was by my closeness.
"what did you have in mind." I asked as she shrugged.
"comedy romance" she said as i cringed.
"That combination should never go together" I told her as she glared.
"would you like romance horror"
"no romance horror genres usually have cringy description let's just choose a movie" I said as she nodded we continued looking through the bin before I saw a movie.
"have you ever heard of Chucky" I asked her as she shook her head.
"it's a doll that comes to life let's watch the bride of Chucky it's really good." I said as she nodded skeptically.
I put the movie in and smirked as the screen popped up blood appeared out of no where and she jumped startled. Halfway through the movie she found herself on my lap her legs wrapped around my waist as she put her head in the crook of my neck everytime there was a scream, stab or cry she whimpered eventually I turned off the movie and let her breath only to find out she has fallen asleep I looked to see she had tears running down her face.
"damn it how had I not smelled them." I said as i took her and layer her on the bed going to the couch to rest as well.
Timeskip Lucy pov
When I woke up I looked to see Laxus sleeping peacefully on the couch not snoring which was a bonus. I went to the bathroom to change my clothing I called out Virgo as she gave me some clothing before disappearing back into the spirit world with a knowing smirk. She had given me Jean pants. She gave me a halter top body suite that looked like a one piece bathing suite it showed my hips fabulously. It pushed my boobs tightly together it was a tan blue color blending with with my fair skin.
I put on hoop earrings and a necklace that rested in the valley between my breast. I pulled on some ankle length socks walking out of the room to see Laxus sitting on the couch staring off into space. I walked over to him leaning down snapping my fingers in his face as he snapped back into reality.
"greetings passengers we will be have a short stop in crocus all passengers please grab a card so you will be granted access back on board thank you and have a blessed day"
Laxus looked at me his ear becoming red.
"what are you wearing." he asked as I smiled.
"Virgo choose my outfit but I'm still a little cold you wanna help me" I asked as I sat down beside him pushing my self further into his hold as he groaned.
"you are not making this easy you must want me to take you on this couch." he spoke in a husky tone as i laughed knowing he was serious.
"what's stopping you I'm 21 you 23 I could have sworn that mean I was old enough to get down and dirty with whom ever I want to." I said as his eyes filled with lust. Ill play a game see how long Laxus can handle before he loses it. I mean I'm attracted to him and it may not just be a simple like also. He is just daring, sweet, fierce, and protective all wrapped together. He is gentle but tricks me into watching horror movies he comforts me, respects my personal space and carries me without complaining of my weight. Well let's test that last one.
"Stand up." I told him as he did agar I said I got up and held my hand up.
"pick me up" I said as he looked confused but listened regardless. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he had my by my rear end.
"do you think I'm heavy cuz natsu says I'm heavy and need to lose weight." I said as he shook his head.
"your surprisingly light and don't listen to natsu he has spaghetti arms." he joked as I looked at him.
"what do you mean surprisingly" I asked as he chuckled.
"with them boobs and that ass you were walking for two people" he said as I smacked his chest.
"not true" I said as he nodded.
"yes it is and what's up with you not wearing a bra I'm telling you those things jiggle and my beast becomes stronger" he said as I felt my core getting wet at his words.
"see even you get turned on let's go I need a shirt I'll even let you get an outfit my treat" he said as I smiled hopping down.
"so when we're you gonna tell me that you liked Me" I asked as I finally figured out the missing pieces to my question.
"how did you figure it out not that I'm surprised." he said now getting serious as we walked out of the train.
"I have observed you since you rejoined the guild you never go on missions with any one else, you never talk this much not even to the thunder god tribe, you blushed, you are having trouble not fucking me on the couch." I said bluntly as he raised his hand in surrender.
"fine you caught me my dragon has claimed you as my one and only I wanted you to know me better before telling you." he explained as i stopped looking at him.
"I know the way you fidget in your sleep, the uneven breathing when you are worried, the growling when you don't get your way, the groaning when your buddy down below stands up, the smirk on your face to hide you happiness the stoic expressions that are calculating enemies the lust filled looks you give me that show me you hold me in your heart. I'm very observant Laxus I know you well enough to know that you would never hurt me. Now Laxus we have four days today and three more I'm giving you four days to make me fall in love with you Laxus dreyar four days make it count I can tell you now it's not that hard I already like you just prove to me your the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." I said smiling as he finally let me see a smile not a smirk.
That's when I knew he was the one.
Hi guys writer here I just wanted you to know that the main part of the book has not started I just need Laxus and Lucy dating for the book to actually start let me know in the comments If you want me to include something for chapter two which will be day two and as always vote, comment and follow me peace out

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