Chapter 2: The Exam

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Sachi was waiting anxiously in the waiting room, he was next. He heard cheering outside and a happy thought went through his mind. Sayo passed.
The doors opened before him, Sachi stepped forward into the arena and greeted his sensei. After explaining some basic rules they both went to one side of the arena. The start signal sound came soon after and his sensei dashed forward at great speed towards Sachi. Sachi side stepped and striked quickly with his sword hitting his sensei's side. He recovered and ran at the sensei. He jumped in the air and striked down swiftly going for the head. The sensei saw it coming and stabbed straight up aiming for Sachi's stomach. Luckily Sachi knew how to manoeuvre in the air and dodged the stab landing next to his sensei. The next moment was crucial either he strikes his sensei now or he jumps away. Sachi didn't hesitate, he swung his sword with deadly precision at his sensei and hit him very hard in the side. His sensei stood there for a second or two before he collapsed. The crowd cheered as Sachi put away his sword and raised his hands in victory. Another door opened and Sachi left the arena.

5 minutes earlier

Two knights walked through the forest talking about the forest. "It's all just some fairy tail bullshit" said one. "I don't know man this forest feels very strange and uninviting" said the other.
A bush moved and they heard a twig snap. "Who goes there" said the first knight. Before they could react two quick slices followed and the knights dropped dead on the floor their heads severed from their body's.
The ninja put his sword away looking at the bodies in disgust. "Two lost rats disposed of" he whispered to himself.
The ninja swiftly ran away not knowing the third knight a little bit back who saw everything.

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