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{Assume that Shyam is given  a second chance after apologizing a lot and he is a positive character. Don't bash me for this please :/}

Arnav reached the venue of his wedding, at the most important day of his life. The love of his life will become his forever. She was standing in a green and pink lehnga looking exquisite. He smiled slightly looking at her shy form.

Khushi saw the man who owned her heart in front of her, wearing a sherwani looking handsome as hell. She smiled shyly and looked down realizing his intense gaze on her.

The surrounding seemed blur and the noises a mere humming to the love birds. They both were so engrossed in each other that they failed to hear the teasing and laughing around them.

"Please call the Bride and Groom, the auspicious time has started and we have to start the rituals." They were brought back by the voice of Panditji.

Arnav and Khushi were made to sit besides each other and Panditji started the mantras in front of the holy fire.

Just then Dadi entered the hall with a wicked smile and rage in her eyes. Today she'll take revenge of her son's death.

"STOP THIS MARRIAGE" She shouted from the entrance itself and everyone turned to her in shock and confusion. Garima gulped seeing Dadi in so much anger and she started sweating as she knew what was coming.

'Hey Devi Maiya, please don't punish my daughter for my sins. Punish me, I am your culprit but please don't do this to her.' Came a silent fearful prayer from a mother.

"What the hell is this Dadi? Why are you stopping this marriage and let me be very clear I'll marry my Khushi only. Don't force me to do anything unethical with you." Arnav said gritting his teeth. Khushi held his hand and pressed it lightly to cool him a bit.

Before anyone could ask or say something Dadi went to Garima and said in a stern voice "Will you tell everyone the truth yourself Garima? Or should I expose you and tell them how characterless you are?"

Garima looked at her shocked. Tears flowing and her eyes pleaded Dadi to not say anything to anyone. She saw her daughter who was looking at her confused and her to-be son-in-law whose anger was bubbling up. She never wanted to snatch her daughter's happiness, never wanted to ruin her special day like this but Karma works this way it seems.

"Enough Dadi enough of your nonsense. I cant believe this you can stoop so low just to stop my marriage." Arnav said in pure disgust.

"You yourself won't marry this girl after knowing the truth Arnav." She said in a stern and angry voice.

"What truth are you talking about?" said Arnav in a low but angry tone.

"The biggest truth of your life Arnav. The truth about that characterless woman because of whom your mother committed suicide" Dadi shouted eyeing Garima.

Arnav's eyes went wide hearing that. The truth about his mother? All of a sudden the flashes of the incident came before his eyes. He closed his eyes to suppress the pain panging in heart. Khushi held his arm tightly because she knew what he must be going through.

Arnav slowly opened his eyes which held tears but he held it back. "Who is that lady?" He said in a cracked but dangerous voice as if he would end her right here.

Dadi turned towards Garima and pointed at her "Garima Gupta". Everyone stood shocked hearing that. Arnav was taken aback and he released his hands from Khushi's. Khushi who was numb felt his hand going off and looked at him who was just staring at nothing in particular, with rage in his eyes.

"How can you blame my Amma Dadiji? I understand your hatred towards me but that doesn't mean you will say anything crap about my Amma." Khushi said angrily. In not time she was besides Garima supporting her.

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