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"Owada, come in." Chihiro's smile was just as bright as usually. That smile that felt like it could cure anything.

"I told ya, call me Mondo." The biker snorted as he entered the room.

"Chi, I need your help."

"Uh...You need my help?" Chihiro looked at his worried friend. "Can you hack into the security tapes?" Mondo didn't bother to explain anything, he asked his question straight.

"What? Um, well, yes."

"Yes! I knew it. Is there any way you'd let me see 'em?" Mondo asked kindly and the other guy had no choice but to say yes. Mainly because they were friends and Chihiro also felt like he owed it to the biker.


Chihiro asked more questions while doing his job but Mondo didn't answer any of them. He had no intention of sharing the prefect's horrors to anyone. Instead of answering he was watching Chihiro's computer, not understanding shit of what the guy was doing. Suddenly the live video from the cameras appeared on the screen.

"Shit, you're the best!" Mondo ruffled the other males hair excitedly.

"Can I see?" He asked and Chihiro got up from his chair, offering it to Mondo.

"Hey Chi..." The biker sounded serious all of a sudden as he turned to look at Chihiro. And the smaller male could see it in Mondo's eyes. The worry. And there was this angered aura around Mondo, the kind he had whenever he didn't want anyone to ask any questions.

"Ya shouldn't see this," he said darkly, making Chihiro fill with worry.

"Please, Chi."


"8pm...End of my course..." Mondo kept rewinding the tape.

"If the lesson started at 7pm then..." He thougt for a while. He kept trying to see Taka in the tapes. Although, he really didn't want to find Taka.

A voice in his head, maybe his intuition was telling him to think about what he was doing. But it was also telling him he had to help, do something. The feeling scared the hell out of Mondo.

Mondo's eyes caught sight of his classmate. The prefect was struggling to stay up as he was walking down the stairs from the third floor.

"The third floor..." Mondo rewound it again, finding out where Taka was coming from.

"The...storage room?"

He looked at the screen, trying to see if there was a camera for that room. He found it and with a shaky hand he clicked it open and rewound it. And God was he glad that the cameras had no mics. He was glad to not be able to hear the noises Taka was making. The poor prefect was lying on his back, a red haired boy on top of him, carving the word slowly with his knife while Taka's body twitched under him.

"Oh shit..." Mondo closed the video and got up. He couldn't see well. He wiped his eyes, staring at the sleeves that were wet with his tears.

"What the fuck..?"

The next thing he knew he had to rush into Chihiro's bathroom to throw up.

"Why..? Why does he make me feel like this?"

It wasn't just the fact that Mondo hated bullies and had seen a lot of those in his life. There was something about Taka. He had a weird feeling that bothered him. He didn't know Taka too well but maybe...he wanted to.

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