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Chapter 2|progress


Ugh this is unbelievable! I have to spend two weeks choreographing with Sean?! Kill me now. While I was lost in my reverie, Sean cleared his throat to get my attention.

"Well, are you gonna stand there all day? We have a lunch to go to." Sean said tight lipped.

I silently walked out with him towards his car where 2/3 of the migos were.

"Dude? What's going on? That was a heated discussion just now." Julian asked with raised eyebrows.

"Don't even." Sean said in a grumpy mood.

He opened the car door for me and gestured for me to get in.

They all got in the car and Sean drove in silence.

"So..... umm not to be rude or anything but why's Kaycee here?" Josh asked.

"Stupid partner dance, stupider choreographer." I said giving Sean a hateful glare.

"What Kaycee's trying to say is that we have to choreograph and teach a partner dance for BABE18." Sean said in an annoyed voice.

"Andd I can't stand the guts of him. So we're supposed to spend time together and 'bond'." I finished.

"Dudeeee congratsss! Do you guys know how big of an opportunity you guys got?! Its freaking BABE18 for crying out loud!!!" Josh shouted excitedly.

Too caught up in our own thoughts, we simply stayed silent.


We got our food at in 'n' out and sat at a table. Kaycee seemed to be getting along just fine with the migos. She was laughing and joking with them the whole time.

Kaycee turned to me and smirked widely. "Hey chopped jr boy!" She said in a series of giggles.

I swear her laughter makes rainbows.

I groaned loudly and pointed an accusing finger at Josh and Julian. "Hey! I thought you guys had my back!"

"Welll, the reason Kaycee is here is because she needs to get along with you and in order to do that she needs to know you." Julian explained cheekily.

"Its alright Shamu, I'll try really hard not to ruin your reputation." Kaycee replied sarcastically.


Oh no. I just called him Shamu. I used to call him that when we were four to tease him because he couldn't say his name right. But that was before he left. I saw a hint of sadness wash over his face and immediately felt so bad.

"Oh.... uh... sorry." I apologized and looked away from him.

"Shamu?" Julian asked cocking his head to the side in confusion.

"Uh.... yeah y'know how Sean Lew kinda sounds like Shamu?" I said nervously.

"Oh...."Julian said not entirely convinced.

After we were done, Sean drove the migos and me home. I soon fell asleep in the car of exhaustion. It had been a long day and I didn't realise that how tired I was.


I turned to tell her that we had reached her house but instead I found her sleeping. She looked so serene while she was sleeping. She was curled up into a ball and her silky hair was spread everywhere.

Damn. She's so beautiful.

Part of me wished it could stay like this forever. But instead, I shook her lightly.

"Kayc? We're here." I whispered.

She woke up groggily and looked around before she realised that she was home.

"Oh.... thanks Sean. See you tomorrow." She replied half asleep and was walking out when I stopped her.

"Hey, you wanna go to my place to practice the choreography after Jake's class tomorrow?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure, night Shamu." And with that she walked away.

I sat in the car for a few minutes just thinking. My stomach felt nauseated but I felt so happy like I was on cloud nine.

Oh God, what is Kaycee doing to me?

Heyyy new chapter yay!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

I know its actually so cringy but I try?

Also I watched the live version of Jojo's Gomez's partner class with Sean and Kaycee dancing to the song overdose and they were sooooo goood! It was insane how in sync and how good their chemistry was!!! Normally they're mindblowing but this was on ANOTHER level(if that's even possible). At the end of the dance Kaycee just walked away and Sean looked so adorably confused but he just walked into the crowd and gave her a really sweet hug. My heart was so full ugh. Not to mention, after they finished the dance Jake was like "oooh interracial couple" and I was like THAT'S IT JAKE'S EXPOSING THEM THEY'RE DEFINITELY DATING. hohohohoho I love all this tea being spilled. I HOPE THE HD VERSION OF THE DANCE COMES OUT SOON.

Anyways that was super long but I lowkey think they're dating or at least know that they like each other now.

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I hate that I love you | √ (Seaycee)Where stories live. Discover now