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Now that I've got Dewey out of the way I'll tell you all about my eldest brother Huey. He didn't hit me or call me names like Dewey did. He just made me feel terrible about myself whenever I got a giver mark on a test. You see Huey was the smart one out of the three of us. But I was smarter when I wasn't talking. I wrote very differently to how I spoke. I was more bold and explained things better.

I remember how Huey took it when my science test cane back as the top score while Huey was second. When we got home he said " you nothing your probably just a cheat" I told him "Don't be so jealous" he then said something I never knew he'd say "go die you faggot scum". His eyes were filled with contempt and envy. I ran to my room and cried.

An hour had passed and I woke up to a soaking wet pillow. I seemed I didn't stop crying in my sleep. I took out my knife and made more cuts loving the feeling of the cold blade against arms but it was then followed by that overwhelming feeling of worthlessness. Then I headed a knock at go door so I rolled up my sleeves. It was Dewey and Huey.

Huey was the one to speak first "Louie look we're sorry" then Dewey " You know we love you right? I shook my head. I said "You two make me hate living" Huey told "Don't be so Dramatic" the Dewey said "yeah no one likes a Hanna Baker" those words pulled at my heart.
I said "that's not funny" Dewey told me " It was kind a funny". I yelled " LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE" they shrugged and walked out. Then I looked out of my window as the rain fell down I opened the wind looking at the rain wanting to follow suit and just fall into the ground. I stepped onto the window frame. I looks down all I could think of was what Huey said " did you faggot scum" I jumped out of the window this would be my first attempt at Suicide. I remember his the impact felt. it was painful yet...I felt as if...I was finally free when the darkness engulfed my vision.

I woke up in a hospital bed surrounded by my family. My uncle Donald said "why Louie?"
Huey looked at me as if to say tell him and you're dead. I told him "I'm getting bullied at school". Uncle Donald said he's gonna make them pay. Uncle Scrooge said "I'm moving you lads to a private School"

I had to stay in the hospital over night and I don't know how I managed to hide my scars from everyone.

I went home with only a cast on my arm but I had lost a lot of blood when I hit my head as I fell so I couldn't rely move to fast.

Huey came in my room and said " thanks for not ratting me out" I couldn't look him in the eyes. I was to scared of him. He told me "I sorry about what I said" I said " I don't care" he said " I just didn't like being over shadowed". I told him " there's a lot of people smarter than you and me" he said "I know" he said " can you forgive me?" I told him in a dry voice "no" d walked out.

The next morning we didn't have to go to school as we were in the process of moving to a private school. I got up and made myself some toast and went back to my room.

I sat at my desk and looked on my messages. I had gotten a lot of messages say go kill your self. I turned off my phone and cried. I was so alone. Then Huey walked in. He said " I heard about the messages their all over facebook".
I told him "what did I ever do?" He hugged me and I hugged back. He rubbed my back and I told him " I love you bro" then walked in Dewey and he hugged me as well. I was fine with my brother from them in but...the damage was already done.

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