Feb. 6 2016

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"So there I was, standing on the rooftop of some building I didn't know, because I was being chased by someone. Apprently I lost them though, but I feel their eyes still. Burrowing into my skin like those annoying little bugs that leave bumps after they bite you. Ya know? I checked my surroundings and saw nothing but darkness. Darkness as thick as maple syrup in a red solo cup. The sunset was gently swept away over the land, giving it a kiss before going to sleep. I was alone. But not quite. The wind whispered to me and the leaves rustled for freedom. I wasn't alone. Earth, the earth was listening. And I, I was just another living thing on this earth. I climbed down a fire escape and started walking down a cracked street. I kicked some of the stones into the cracks. Whines came all around me from loose hounds and druggies shooting up. I went home and opened the door, being greeted with the sweet smell of cigars and matches being thrown into a metal trash can. I walked up to my room and closed my door, flopping on the bed and looked up at the posters on my ceiling, staring back at me as to know what I'm hiding. But what am I? I have a psycho father and a obsessive mother that cries when my father doesn't say "I love you" every 3 minutes. Although my father spends his whole day trying to get a Man in tights to our front door and is so depressed that the word happy means nothing. The whole time he has a smile printed on his face like a picture painted by Picasso. My mother is always trying so hard to get my father to care that she's so stressed she just brushes it off. Who I am? Well puddin, I'm Knight Merring Quinn. Joker and Harley Quinn's child that has been born into Gotham as possibly the most shocking item ever.Why? Because I, Knight Quinn, became the first ever to kill my father. Even though I don't know it. The same darkness that took over my father takes over me. My senses become so strong it's overwhelming. Robin and Batman stick by my side until unfortunately, I make some pretty bad decisions to kill my father and now I'm here. Telling you, officer, how everything started. Beginning to end, the whole shabang. Even the gory parts. You ask, I tell" "Ok tell everything leading up to the day you killed your father" he said with a smirk that could easily be mistaken for a flirtatious remark.

Then I told him. Beginning to end. The end! Oh you wanted to hear the story? Oh I guess I'll tell you.I was sitting in class, drawing what I thought was a dog, but apprently to my art teacher it was "almost as bad as the time you 'accidently' hit that kid in the nose". It wasn't my fault. That kid was Vincent Wayne. Bruce Wayne's kid and the biggest dickhead in the school. He was possibly the worst human on earth. What? Oh right right, this was before I killed the joker. Or my father. I basically went through my day like no other. Go to every class. Wanna kill every teacher. Same ole same ole, as I tell everyone who asks. I sat down at my lunch table when"Ooo Knight what's gotten into your leg hair?" Said Star Nigma. We weren't good friends. Hell if she said one word to me I would slap her.

"Why the hell would you care Star?" I said, kicking her lunch on her new green skirt her daddy bought her. Honestly, I was jealous. Star had a dad that cared for her and threw her birthday parties whenever she turned a year older. I didn't know birthdays existed until I supposedly turned 15. I'm still 15 so I guess....this year I found out. Anyway back to the story.

"Whoa Knight chill. You don't have to be so rude." I don't exactly know who said that. It might of been Heaven Cobblepot or Stacey Dent. All I know is that whoever said I replied with-"Shut the hell up. Bird brain and Tightso's kids followed me last night. I don't need you guys." I got up and left the table. Although I was soft hearted. It still hurt to know that my friends never really cared about Robin and Batman being so scary because their parents weren't the #1 enemy to them. So you don't think I'm overreacting, their kids follow me home everyday. It's scary, to have someone run after you. They follow me farther and farther everyday, I walked to class and sat In my seat, looking around to see no one in the room but me and Batso's son and sidekick. They didn't know I was there which was good until-

" KNIGHT!" Screamed Fire Kyle. She was my greatest friend....until that moment. Batso Jr. And bird boy jr. turned around and got up, great.

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