I know piccolo

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Hey guys I'm back sorry I had tests all week so now I'm back so enjoy this chapter~
Piccolo POV
He looked around and saw nothing but the others, food ,drinks, and a cheerful Goku and a grumpy Vegeta in the corner. He was bored and he actually wanted to see if he could some training in. He looked over at the lovely prince standing alone. He thought he might as well ask him if he would sparr. To his suprise Vegeta said yes. He felt his heart flutter and his face heat up from excitement and being this close to Vegeta he wondered why but he left it. They went to a deserted area and thankfully no one saw them leaved piccolo wanted to be left alone with vegeta. He felt him a Vegeta are actually the same because they both are rivals to Goku and they both have their own pride. He snapped out of his thought when the prince spoke up.

V- so mind telling me why you asked me to spar.

P- well I got bored of the party and you seemed like a good sparring partner.

V- I see well at least you aren't acting like everyone else.

P- huh? What do you mean.

V- well nevermind let's just start.

P- alright

Piccolo launch towards Vegeta but missed his target and felt a kick to his lower hip. He fell backwards and look fast enough to dodge vegeta's next attack. He then grab his leg and spinned in circles and through him into a bolder. Vegeta groaned and then launch himself at piccolo. Piccolo remember the deal between them and the others but then was interrupted with a punch to his face . He started to charge up a attack and so did Vegeta.
At the same time they both released a ki attack. Dust blew up and piccolo took the advantage to sneak up on Vegeta. He appeared in front of him sending Vegeta into the ground. Piccolo stopped his attack when Vegeta appeared in front of him. He than got the idea to lure him into a trap. He smiled at Vegeta and the prince back up because of the grinned on piccolo's face. He look at the slightly terrified prince but soon charged up his beam. Vegeta then powered up and teleported behind piccolo.

V-i know piccolo

P- what?

V- I know about the challenge Kakarot set for all of you.

P- oh I see um so what are you gonna do about it

V- well I thought about it and decided to leave it be and I also have a little fun playing with the others feelings. Heh

P- that must be fun but I didn't want to join in on that challenge.

V- really

P- yea I actually like someone else but they probably don't feel the same about me.

V- how will you know for sure. And I might have a idea who you are talking about

P- what how ?

V- it's written on your face and you always seem relax around that guy Gohan.

P- *blushes* we well I... I um

V- hehe I guessed right just go talk to him and you might be surprised on how he feels about you

P- what do you mean?

V- I mean he likes you too.

P- i... I okay I'll go ask oh and Vegeta

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