rouge -15

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"Dad! i'm home......and i have jezebel with me!"i announced walking in closing the door and making my way to the hall closet. man am i tired!

"fine hurry up shower and get changed so you can eat and go to bed, you have school in the morning. i don't know what would posses you to go out on a school night, you should know better! your going to be 17 years old already, so i expect you to be home straight after school tommorrow, do you understand?" my dad yelled walking in from the kitching scaring the hell out of us.

"jeez dad, you almost gave me a heart attack, relax." i groaned

"don't tell me to relax scarlet juliet! it's two in the morning and your coming home sopping wet! you could get sick!." he shrieked and yeah my middle name is juliet.

"....hello mr. parrish." jezebel said quietly cutting the tension in the room, and tearing my dad's gaze from my face, before it could burn through it.

"hello jezebel, now iwll both of you do what you were told and get ready for bed. Now." he said calmly and stalked off up the steps"Now!" he yelled from the top afetr about 2 minutes making jezebel and i flinch.

"I love your dad." she mumbled sarcasticaly

" too." I sighed climbing the steps to my room, which by the way is the last door at the end of the hall, how lucky right? Wrong, my dad's room is at the front, like 10ft from the steps. One good thing I would say is my dad has his own bathroom so he doesn't use the own down stairs. which is kind of a plus, cuz I guess I can see it as my own I share with guests.....when or if we have any, but my rooms still bigger. I unlocked the door and went staight to my closet with jezebel close behind, like a tail i can't seem to get rid of.

"I'm gonna change." i said walking in, closing and locking the door before she could reply. for some reason lately.....i can never be in the same room with her alone for too long. i feel like she's sucking my life force outta me, sometimes i even have a huge temptation to rip her throat out. then again, it could be......the other me. the real me, the one who's not normal, the one who does rip people's throat's out. I stood in deep thought as i gathered my things and walked out to find jezebel asleep on my couch. i walked past her, down stairs and to the bathroom. i turned the knob, letting the tub fill with hot water and locked the door. i quickly stipped, stepping into the tub and laid down trying to relax, after a few seconds reality smacked me in the face.

"I could've....killed him....." i whispered. how careless of me to get that close to a human boy, knowing what i am, and what could happen.....the consenquences, i'm so stupid! while lost in thought and confusion a loud knock on the door shook me out of me little reverie, at the same scaring the hell out of me. "yes" i asked trying to calm myself.

"Hurry, we need to speak....and be quick about it." my father hissed on the other side of the door and i listened as he walked away. 'this bath is a fail, and honestly who says 'we need to speak' anymore? it's 2009! not 1816. wait....did i do something i wasn't supposed to? shit! what if he knows about kaidan?! no i don't could he know, we were entirely alone....which of course was bad on my part, again.' I dipped my head under the water one more time for a few seconds then got out and wrapped myself in a towel. I turned towards the mirror and gasped my eyes were red! 'I should've fed before i went out, i just hope my father doesn't notice, but why now? i wasn't near anybody who was bleeding......unless, oh god! kaidan bit my lip, i was bleeding but that doesn't make sense....wait he was bleeding too! holy shit! i really could've killed him, but neither he nor jezeble said anything about my eyes to me. maybe they didn't that can't be it......' then it hit me, 'i was thinking about kaidan and all the ways i could've killed him while we were together!' Feeling nauseas and a little sick, i turned away from the mirror disgusted with the sickening fact that thinking about killing excited me.' i quickly dried, got dressed and made my way into the living room, to find my father sitting in the arm chair.

"did you eat?" he asked calmly

"no, not yet." i replied softly

"go eat, you need the nutrition." he sighed

"yes father." i said making my way to the kitchen and served myself. i sat and tried to eat as quickly as i possibly could, listening as my father stood up and started pacing in the living room. i started to feel really nervous which made it hard for me to swallow my food b/c of the newly formed lump in my throat. i too my time washing my dish and putting the rest of the food away and walked into the living room. without speaking, my father motioned for me to sit where he had been earlier.

"where were you?" he asked

"I-went to a party." i replied

"who with? and for how long?" he drilled

"with jez, and only for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half at most." i replied calmly.

"then what."

"I went for a drive." i answered softly.' god please don't let him catch on, how would i even begin to tell him about kaidan?' i thought but the feeling in my stomach was strongly against it, i knew i had to make up a lie and quick.

"who with? and don't lie you know i can always tell when you lie." he warned no longer pacing but turned to face me.

"I was alone." i lied now for the biggest part. "i had to think, so i went to the park."

"what could you possibly be thinking about to go to a park alone at this time of night period!" he asked confused and annoyed.and all i could think was 'almost there!"

"I was wondering how life would be when i completed my change......if i would be the same-or different.......a monster, and if i would be accepted." i whispered adding affect, and i nthe blink of an eye he was kneeling in front of me, his hands cupping my face.

" Juliet sweetheart, my dear sweet juliet. of course you'll be accepted. even now people are falling over themselves to meet you." he cooed and wiped away tears i didn't even know were falling.

"but it hurts, the pain grows every day, i have to stay a good distance away from people because i can hear the blood rushing thorugh their veins." i sobbed, now being entirley truthful as he sat dwon anf pulled me onto his lap, runnig his fingers through my hair, as he used to when i was a little girl.

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