Chapter Eight: The Mind Of A Teenaged Genius

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SORRY ABOUT THE WAIT. I was out of town, no wi-fi.

Anyways, many of you guessed that Brilliance had something to do with her head. Now, I just want to apologize for giving away a major plot point in the title.


I very much dislike when someone describes something as 'indescribable'. It's annoying and just lazy. Of course, my views, like they always do, make things more difficult for myself. In other words, I have to explain what was happening to me, or I'm a hypocrite.

I wasn't in a haze. I wasn't confused. I was no where. Nothing. No body. Just me, though I wasn't even sure I was here. If there was a here. I couldn't feel myself, it was as if I didn't have a body. It was surreal, though thinking was easy, it was the only possible thing. Whatever I thought was echoed off the walls of wherever I was. At least I thought it was an echo, though the entirety of the place, if it existed, seemed infinite.

And it was gone.

Like that.

Haze pushed itself into me again. Assuming there was a me.

" Quit's about to start," A voice whispered from next to me. A voice that sounded suspiciously like my voice.

I saw. I was in a movie theater. There was a classical large screen in front of me with two big red curtains that lined it. Light fixtures lined the tall walls, and the square seating area was split by a walkway of stairs climbing right through the middle. It all seemed so perfect. Each individual seat was square and in a row of ten squares. Everything was symmetrical on both sides, even the wrinkles of the red curtains.

I turned toward the voice that had been talking to me before, hoping to get some sort of clue.


I was seven or eight. I still had a little baby fat and light blonde ringlets fell in a mess from my head. She-I was eating gummy bears from a large bag.

" Staring isn't polite you know," Another voice said from my other side.

My head automatically snapped to the right, since I was already spooked.

The woman looked in her early twenties. She had long dirty blonde hair that curled a little bit a the end. Her skin was super pale and her face seemed almost regal. She had a naturally long forehead, petite nose, and large lips. She eyes were big, really big, and put together with her high cheekbones, the effect was very intimidating.

Her blue eyes slanted to me, and her perfectly curved eyebrows raised.

" Who are you?" I whispered, scared. Very scared. My brain didn't kick in. My back up was failing. I was so alone. In my own head.

I was seriously insane.

" Me? The question is who are we," She corrected, flaunting off her white straight teeth.

" Guys!" The girl on my right whined, " It's starting soon."

" Who's we?" I asked the woman, blurting out quietly, it had worked last time. I was ignoring the seven year old, which was strange, I was usually very high in patience. But now I was insane and completely crazy, patience didn't seem that important.

" Us darling. We is us. Me, you, and that annoying pest to your right. We are one. We are you," She explained uninterested. I could almost hear her voice say, 'you're asking the wrong questions'.

" Where are we then?" I responded, using a monotone. I wasn't going to worry and fret over something I couldn't change. I was scared, yes, but I considered myself levelheaded, and I couldn't let something like emotions effect my logic. It wasn't me.

I didn't have any inner voice to correct me, so I corrected myself. I did use my emotions, they were instincts, something to consider, but not blindly follow.

" Where would we be?" She responded in the same tone I used. My eyes flashed to her face, she had a little smile. I glared at her, I hated not knowing things. And she was making this a game.

I turned away to look at the seven year old, when three words were whispered in my ear, " Life's a game."

My eyes widened. For I second I honestly believed that I had said it in my head.

" Look at the screen!" The seven year old me suddenly snapped, glaring at me.

I did as she asked, just because she asked it, and because I wanted to be distracted, I didn't want to think anymore.

The screen filled my whole line of sight. It was a gray room, and a familiar face was looking at me. It was Isabel. Her eyes seemed like they were staring right at me.

" Cool, isn't it?" My voice whispered to me.

I tried to tear my head away from the screen, but I couldn't. I could only stare. Staring that was making my eyes dry. I blinked, the screen turned black for a second. I blinked again. The screen turned black again.

" Cassie?" Isabel's voice was welcome into my thoughts.

As I blinked again, I slowly was engulfed by my surroundings. I was in the gray room with Isabel looming over me, a blank expression on her face. Not a gray room. No, I was in the gray room.

" Caasssieee?" Isabel's annoyed voice broke through the ice between my mind and my body.

" Kakdra," I was suddenly angry with anyone who called me Cassie. I was not Cassie. So, I tried to correct her with my name. It didn't sound as well as I thought it would.

" What?" Brian hissed from somewhere.

" Kakkanra," I tried again, attempting to sit up. The words came out while I was coughing a little.

" Cassie?" William appeared in front of me as I sat up.

The was that name again.

" Kakkandra," I murmured, rubbing my head. I didn't what to even attempt a complicated thought process. I wanted- needed to be straight to the point.

" Cassie?" Whosever voice that was wasn't important. I didn't know. No one else needs to know. I did respond to it though.

" CASSANDRA!" I said loudly, my mouth actually forming the words correctly, synchronized with my tongue and my vocal chords. It seemed so easy before. It was complicated now.

Everything was complicated.

" That's my name. Cassandra."


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