Chapter 1

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It's 6:30 at night the sun is setting and I'm waiting for Shiki, my friend to hurry up and finish his phone call at the phone booth.

My head is resting against the payphone box's glass. Starring at the sky ' What a pretty sky tonight...' I thought a small smile on my face.

it's very chilly out tonight; Not very many people are in sight. I mean we are in a ghost town right now so it's only normal, letting out a sigh I turn around and look into the glass of the payphone waiting on shiki to hang up the damn thing. Noticing he's probably no where near done..

I decided to take a quick stroll around
the 7/11 store that's located a little bit behind the pay phone.

I knocked on the glass and shiki turned his attention to me with a glare in tow '' I'm going behind the st- '' He just waved me off and returned to his
conversation with a smile. Closing my eyes and walking towards the small store I noticed we are not the only one's here after all.

Shrugging off the weird vibe I got from that Black car sitting in the parking lot, I soon arrived at the stores door's and I pulled them open only to feel the even colder store because they have their Air conditioner on. Sighing out once again I seem to be doing that alot today. Must be something in the air haha.
I'm funny.

'' No natsu you can't just eat that without buying it! '' Removing my eye sight  from in front of me I turned my attention to a girl who looks to be
a little bit older than me. Wow..She's really pretty. '' Aw c'mon Lucy! He won't notice..The store clerk is busy napping anyway! '' There's also a guy
with her.. He looks around her age as well and he hair? He's wearing a scaly scarf that looks really cool by the way!

I must have been staring at them because the girl turned her attention towards me. '' Oh...Uh hello...'' She said kinda embarrassed. I sent a small smile her way '' I'm sorry For being rude and staring. Haha it's just your so pretty and.. I really like his scarf..Haha '' I said shyly.

The girl blushed and sent me a beaming smile. She had Really pretty blonde hair and brown eyes. She kinda looked like me except I'm not that pretty. '' Why thank you! My name is lucy! and this is Natsu...He's my boyfriend '' I Smiled at them they really are cute.

''It's a pleasure to meet you lucy and natsu..My name is Rebecca! ''  I exclaimed putting my hand out for them to shake. They both shook hands with me. '' Hey rebecca if you don't mind me asking...How come your out here by yourself at this time of night? I heard some pretty spooky stories about this place..'' Lucy asked confused.

I gave them another small smile ''Actually i'm not by myself, My friend shiki is outside using the pay phone, he's been on it for a while..heh..'' they just nodded their head in silence.

They also decided to not ask any more questions..only because I greeted them goodbye. '' Well It was lovely meeting some new people here...I really hope we meet again you guys. I better be going, Have a goodnight'' waving goodbye to them as I made my way out of the store.

' What a lovely couple ' I thought as I made my way to the back of store, On my way towards the back I seen the black car was still here, I couldn't see anyone in the car, who knows maybe it belonged to Natsu and lucy.. or a possible worker. I still couldn't shake that odd feeling though.

The back of the 7/11 is not a good sight. it's honestly very trashy. There's a small tree and a lot of cigarette butts gross, people make ashtrays for damn reason.

No grass. just a fenced in back patio, Leaning against the brick wall of the building I take out my Vape pen and decide to do some cool smoke tricks.
Because I'm cool like that.

After a while there's a group of guys wearing black and all have a joints in their hand, Maybe they all aren't joints. After getting a big whiff I start coughing, ' What the hell are they smoking?? ' I thought. Turning my attention to them I send them a glare.

''Excuse me!'' I shout Glaring at them, They are a group of four one of them is a girl. One guy is wearing a black beanie and he has a what I thought was a joint but something much more worse. Beanie guy speaks to me first '' Whats up sugar plum...?'' He asked with a smirk.
Sugar...plum? Oh hell no.

''Whatever the hell that is your smoking is not legal! So why the hell are you smoking it?! '' I asked very angry. The girl of the group starts laughing really loud like a hyena. At this time I take a moment to remember all their outfits.

The girl has Black curled hair with red streaks in it. She's wearing a leather jacket that has a serpent of some sort on it, She also has  on a crop top under it and high wasted shorts. Big black leather boots. ' ooh those are cute! '

The other two boys are wearing the same leather jacket. One has sunglasses on and the other has on a hat with headphones on with his hood up.

Now the one who was smoking earlier he seemed to be the leader or something, Wow wonder what gave it away you might be thinking but it really wasn't that hard to tell. He had spikes on his and seemed to be the one with the most common sense. ( Not that I would ever say that too his face )

Redhead speaks '' What are you a goodie two shoes? '' She has a bit of a jersey accent which is very annoying. Rolling my eye's. ''I am by no means a saint, but just know I work for a very trusty community. '' I Show them my badge a smirk on my face. Then they start laughing again except for the leader, let's just pretend my pride didn't just get hurt.

'' Okay little girl.. Play time is up. What do you want. '' Said beanie. ( aka The leader )

That comment he made upset me very much.

"Wait a second, I will have you know I am 18 years old. A legal adult by the way!" I stated with a proud smile.

He lets out a loud round of laughter. I turn and look at him '' Are you done yet? '' I asked annoyed. I shouldn't even be wasting my time on this dude. Why are they always laughing at everything I say? I mean i'm pretty funny but even I know i'm not that funny.

'' Sugarplum I'm 2 years older than you. '' Huh 2 years? I take my time to check him out..He's not bad looking.

he has a lip and eyebrow piercing, Rolling my eyes 'How cliche' I look at the red head and see her glaring at me Sending her a wink I faced their leader, because clearly this is a gang of some sort.

'' Anyway. Why are you back here by yourself hottie? '' I snapped my attention to the guy with sunglasses Narrowing my eye's. Hottie? I am not hot. I hate that damn word.

'' Excuse m-- '' I was cut off by a shriek from the red hair girl she was coming at me with a weapon. I smirked So that was just a distraction? Cool with me.

I have no time for mistakes so if i'm gonna defend myself I better hurry, I will admit she caught me by surprise but I didn't bother showing it.

As she was nearing me I got into my fighting position. I may not have any cool powers like shiki but I can always count on my trusty fists!

word count: 1392


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