~Chapter 6~

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*She saw him.....*


Father~Hello naomi

Naomi~Why have you kidnapped me didnt mom ban you from coming anywhere near me.

Father~Yes i know but i missed you.

Naomi~You tried killing me when i was born so you never have to go into internal sleep.

Father~Yes but it never works so instead ill sell you so you never make it to the initiation and become queen.

Naomi~Father no please

Father~Sorry thats just life im not about to go into slumber for you know if you was a son then fine but your to soft and sweet someone will take the kingdom fast

Naomi~I can be stronger

*him smiles bending down kisses her head*

Father~Dont worry about getting strounger worry about who's gonna become your owner

Naomi~Father NO PLEASE

Father~You are know the young lords slave

Naomi~The young lo.....Do u mean Conner the prince of...

Conner~Destruction yes thats me and from know on no speaking without asking or ill beat you

Naomi~Please let me g...

*he pimpslaps her then chokes*

Conner~I said quiet

Father~Aye where's my money

Conner~down stairs

Father~Good will bye naomi

Naomi~Father please no

*Right when he goes down stairs i hear his screams and lots of gun sounds and magic*


Conner~I had him killed duh haha im not giving him my money.

*he smirks *

Naomi~My Mom well find me soon AND KICK THE SPARKLES OUTTA YOU

*he laughs*


Davor pov
Davor~Ughhh where's that little bitch how dare she bite me imma kick her throat

Triplets~We haven't seen little bitch

*They look in the bathroom*

Michael~Not there

Davor~Triplets teleport us to her

Triplets~Do we have to

Davor~Yes hurry to fuck up

*they open a portal and climb in *

*i see naomi and this guy he looks lik....oh lord*

Conner~Leave she is my slave know

Triplets~SHE ONLY IS ARE LITTLE BITCH *they punch him over and over and he throws 2 and punches the other then jack and Michael jump in punching and kicking then davor snaps his fingers and they move*

Davor~Dont touch whats MINE *he set conner on flames with his hands and then grabs Naomi by her hair and kicks*

Naomi pov
*we walked back*

Triplets~Dont leave with strangers

Naomi~I didn't they....nvm im sorry

*my mother huged me tight *

Mother~Dont scare me like that again

Naomi~Sorry mother

Mother~Its ok know lets head home say bye to the boys

*i turn and say bye but davor grabs my face and pushes his plump lips on mine then walks off*


   *I went home and dreamed about it*

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