Chapter 1

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It was a cloudy day, though that was expected in the state of Washington. Today had a peculiar feeling about it, almost gloomy. Most days were like this at the Gothel Orphanage, but this had a particular mood that I could not put my finger on. The cold, Autumn air stung my cheeks when I stepped out of the doors into the garden. The crunch of the leaves under my shoes was the only sound  besides the casual rustle of the trees. My long, ginger hair dragged behind me, collecting dirt and leaves on the ground as I walked.

The gates surrounding the orphanage were locked shut as usual and I carefully and quietly made my way towards them.  The vacant lot of dirt before the gates didn't provide as much coverage from the hawk-like eyes of Mother Gothel, but I had to attempt this. I pull the bobby pin from my hair and a few stray locks fell in front of my eyes. I quickly wiped them away and got to work on the padlock. I shoved the pin into the keyhole and twisted it in a fashion that I had hoped would release me from this prison. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the lock click and the chain fell from the gate with a loud thud on the soil. I glanced from side to side and didn't hesitate to pull open the gate. It creaked open louder that I wanted, but all of the other girls were in the dining hall. They shouldn't be able to hear me.

The rain slowly started to make its way down when I felt a few drops land on my exposed skin. Within seconds, it started to pour down, seeping into my clothes and making me shiver. I took no time to pause when I shut the gate, knowing the thunder should mask the sound of it slamming shut. The lights outside of the building flickered on, illuminating the vines that crawled up the brick walls and the barbed wire that covered the tops of the gates. I smirked knowing that I was the reason that the barbed wire had to be put in place from other failed escape attempts. 

My slow jog broke into a sprint when I heard the door swing open and flashlights shine in my direction. The padding footsteps chasing me were evident as my hair dragged on the gravel rode behind me. The rain caused it to become heavier, slowing me down slightly, but I charged on.

The trail in the forests surrounding the road came into view, and I jarred left slightly crashing into the safety of the trees. I cried out in agony as my hair caught on a stray branch. 

"Shit," I cursed under my breath as I started to detangle my hair from the tree. I was sure that my cry was heard by my subduers.

I could not be more right. By the time I pulled my hair loose from the shrubbery, they were already on me.  Mother Gothel crossed her arms and tapped her foot as the other overly muscular women took hold of my arms. At first I struggles and shot profanities at them, but fell limp when I realized how useless it was.

She made a tisk noise, and then spoke, "Again Rapunzel, really?" 

"I wanted to escape this hell, can you blame me?"

"Oh sweetheart," she began. I hated when she called me that, "you're still a minor, only sixteen."

"I think I can take care of myself just fine, just sign the papers and emancipate me. I can do just fine on my own," I spat.

The dark woods slightly protected us from the downpour, but rain already started to seep in through the thick canopy of pine and oak.

"This is not the time or place to discuss this. I'm taking you back, whether you like it or not."

I tried to rip my arms from the grasp of the burly women, but they start to drag me back the Gothel Orphanage again.

Another failed attempt at escape, and I was so close that time. That was the farthest that I have ever gotten from this place considering I spent my entire life there. All of my sixteen years have been isolated into this small town. I have rarely left the orphanage grounds and when I did it was only because of me trying to leave. As usual, my fatal flaw caused me to get caught: my hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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