Chapter 17

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" Tell me, come on. I demand an explanation." I plead. It has been  about 3 hours since the incident, and I still haven't given up yet on getting to know the truth.  In that span of 2 hours, we had already been into 10 different clothing shops. Well, more like me dragging Alex by his wrist into the shops since he doesn't want to budge.  

We are  currently on the 3rd floor of the shopping mall. Alex had me by his side at all times so I couldn't possibly run away. " Tell me Alex. I need to know." I beg once more, as I poke his side multiple times.  Hey, I don't have a lot of experience with boys, but if begging used to work on papi then it might as well work on him too. At first it didn't affected  him, and he just gave me  the  silent treatment, but it has been going on for a few minutes now and I'm guessing he's about to burst soon.   " Stop, kitten. Do not anger me. I will not hesitate to punish you.   I'll tell you some other time, but not now." says Alex sternly as he looks down at me with those two mesmerizing blue eyes. 

I immediately stop what I'm doing and let my hands fall to my sides. I cross them in front of my chest and pout out my bottom lip a little, plan 2 on trying to get Alex to tell me- play the annoying and innocent card. Alex held me closer by my waist and looked down at me. "Huh, giving up so soon?" I ignore him. I just kept acting like a baby and pouting while walking with him. 

I continued my little act for a few minutes, well, until I saw forever 21 and that was when my inner teenager suddenly took over. Alex saw my sudden reaction and had a quick scan around, wondering what I was so excited about. When he couldn't find anything besides the clothing shops that surrounded us, he gave me a confused look. I shook my head. Boys. 

I wiggled out of his grip and led him by his arm. "Where are we going, kitten?" he asks. I look back at him, smiling. "Well, that's somewhere for me to do my shopping, and for you to pay." He rolls his eyes and follows behind me. After a few more steps, he finally figured out where we were going. I kept on tugging and pulling him, leading him by his wrist, but soon, he stopped and didn't move. 

" Come on, Alex. I wanna go into that shop." I whine, tugging on the corner of his t-shirt. Did I mention that he weighs as much as a bull? Huh, I wonder who is heavier , him or Zayden? I kept on tugging on his shirt but he wouldn't budge. Instead, he placed all the bags on one hand and used the other to grip me by by wrist,preventing me from walking. It was a firm grip. It didn't hurt me, but was strong enough that I couldn't move. "No, kitten. No more clothes." I whine. He gave me a stern look, while lifting his arm up to show me the 20 bags that were there. Oops. 

"Please, Alex. Just a quick look. You didn't want to tell me what you did back there, and now you want to prevent me from shopping?" I looked at him and acted like I was angry. I puffed out my chest and crossed my arms in front of them. I looked right into his eyes, daring him to say or do something. He was trying to hold back a laughter, but instead, turned into a smirk. "Fine, kitten. I'll tell you what I did. But on one condition, you be a good girl and behave, and no more shopping for clothes. 

I nodded my head. Actually, to be honest, I didn't need all those clothes. Half of them weren't even chosen by me. It was Alex's 'punishment' for running away from him. Oh well, not that I mind though. I get free clothes and got to go to a mall! I haven't been in one for ages, so hey, a win-win situation. I took a few bags from Alex's arm, to lessen his burden. Okay... so my hand might had gotten sore a few moments ago. 

He shook his arm a little, and held me by my waist again. I personally don't mind it, but that doesn't mean that I'm comfortable with it. Hell, when your running trying to save your life, you don't have time to think about boys. " Do you really wanna know, kitten?" I nodded. "Well, don't be surprised or too happy. But, I may or may not had found a way to fire Barbara." Surprised was an understatement right now. 

"Wh-what? H-how did you manage to do that?" I ask, visibly shocked at how he managed to do it. I stared into his blue, ocean-like eyes, wondering if he was joking or not. Nope, he was dead serious. He gave me a small wink and smirked. " Well, when your a CEO, anythings possible kitten." Of course. He had to brag about his job. " Showoff" I mumbled under my breath. "I'm not deaf you know, I heard that." I looked up at him, and yes, that smirk was still there. "At least you put your job to good use." I say. He just winks at me and we continue to walk. 


It's 2 pm in the afternoon and we have been shopping for the past 4 hours. I feel my stomach growling, oh, how good would some Italian food taste right now. "Hey, Alex?" "Yeah, kitten?" "I'm hungry." I blurt out. Have I ever told you that I get really grumpy and moody when I'm hungry. "Well, what would you like to have? Mexican, Italian, Chinese or takeout?" "Italian!" I immediately say. 

Hey, can you blame me? Papi used to always cook Italian food. Yes, I know, I'm Spanish. But who says I can't have Italian food? Alex led me up an escalator and when I looked around, I saw that we were on the 4th floor. I saw the food court on my right, but he  led me by my waist and we walked to a very fancy looking Italian restaurant. "Alex, you don't have to. I'm fine by just eating at the food court." I say. After all he had spent for me today, I feel really bad now. I don't want him spending anymore money on me. 

"It's fine. Just count it as a little treat for you before we go home and talk." he says, ever so casually. Talk. Shit, I forgotten all about it. We walked into the restaurant and a waiter came up to us. He looked to be younger than me,  probably a high schooler working to earn some money to pay for student loans.   He had a beautiful pair of emerald green eyes and looked really cute in the black and white waiter's outfit. "Good evening sir. How may I help you?" he ask, flashing his set of pearly whites at Alex. "Table for 2" "Right this way, sir. Follow me."  

We waked behind the waiter until the reached the back of the restaurant. The place was literally screaming rich. Soft piano music played in the background and it had a really soothing atmosphere to it. All the customers either wore pretty maxi gowns, or were dressed in tight tuxedo suits. "Alex, you really don't have to do this. I am absolutely okay with eating at the food court. Hell, I don't even mind eating microwave Italian food." I say sternly. We were getting quite a few stares, since we were a little too 'casual' for these types of places. 

"How many times do I have to tell you, it's absolutely fine kitten." I looked up at him. His icy blue eyes were fixed on my brown ones. Yup, he's definitely not kidding. I wanted to pull out the chair and sit, but he beat me to it. "Ladies first." I roll my eyes at him. "Gentleman much?" I say as he proceeds to sit down and wink at me. Once we were seated, the waiter placed 2 leather menu's in front of us. " Take all the time you need. I'll be back in 10 minutes." I look up at him and gave him small smile. In return, he nods his head and smiles back too. Huh, good service. 

I opened up the menu and tried my best to not look shocked. 30$ for a plate of mushroom soup?! That's insane! I could live off $30 for at least 2 days! "Order anything you want, kitten." I looked up at Alex. He had a small smile on his face, not a genuine one, but still. I nodded my head and bit my bottom lip a little. God, why did he had to bring me to such an expensive restaurant?!  After staring at the menu for a good couple of minutes, I heard footsteps coming from behind me. 

"Hello, could I take your order now?" 

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