A/N: Guys I just dead ass cried a few seconds ago, there is a song Lil Wayne has with X called "Don't Cry". Since it was released today I don't think you can find it on YouTube just yet. But my mom and dad told me to listen to this song with them from Lil Wayne's new album, and we was listening and I was like, "This isn't Lil Wayne singing right?" and my mom was like "nope", then I said "Is this X" and then she was like yeah. And I listened to the rest of the song trying to hold in my tears, but as soon as the song was off, I calmly walked out of the room and started balling. I miss X so much you guys. I am still kind of crying,it's so sad. But the song is nice and you should listen to it, when the song comes out on YouTube, I will put the link down in this page.
FOUND IT!!!!!!!!