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Carson told me that Levy moved to somewhere along the East Coast. He didn't have to tell me why he moved; I remember him telling me that he was interested in playing on a football team at one of the colleges he wanted to attend. Even though we were no longer close, I would have thought he would have at least said something, so we didn't have to leave things on a bad note. He didn't even say anything to Carson; he said one of the guys on the team told him.

It's not like I can do anything about it now, though, so I leave it alone.

Things have subsided with my Dad and I. It sort of had a lot to do with what happened at dinner the other night. He actually helped me with the application, scholarship, and the fafsa process. I should be hearing from University of Colorado State in a few weeks.

Of course I applied to other universities around the area, but Colorado State is a good university, and it's only two hours and five minutes away from Colorado college, where Scarlett will be attending. I couldn't be more proud of her for being accepted. She's worked so hard for it, and there was no doubt she would have gotten in.

No matter how hard I ask, she wouldn't let me see the story she sent in of me; she stuck to her word on only being able to see it when the yearbooks come out. She told me the only person that saw the report was Mr. Chaz, her yearbook teacher. That's understandable, but still.

"That sucks. I would want to know too," Carson says, trying to finish his homework he put off. Last week.

I scoot my chair back, and kick both my feet onto the table. "Who wouldn't?"

As I lean back in my chair, two hands from behind covers both my eyes, and in my ear, someone whispers, "guess who?" I grin at the familiarity of the voice. I know exactly who it is. In a swift motion, I grab one of Scarlett's arms and swung her around my body so she's sitting bridal style on top of my lap. She lets out a small yelp, then laughs, hitting me on the chest.

"I could have died!" She exclaims, trying to give me a stern look, but failing.

I put my forehead against hers, "I would have never let that happen."

She rolls her eyes, and pushes my face away. "Stop being corny." I let out a low chuckle, and pressed my lips to hers. She responds, putting her hand around the back of my neck, and pulls me closer.

I try to deepen the kiss, but something gets thrown at my head, keeping me from doing so. I pull away from Scarlett, sending a a glare at Carson. I look down at the table, and saw that it was an eraser he threw. "Don't give me that look," Carson starts, "go find a janitors closet or something." He goes back to his worksheet, and I throw the eraser back at his head. His head snaps up with glared eyes, but he doesn't do anything and goes back to working.

Scarlett makes a move to get up, but I hold her waist to keep her sitting on my lap. She reaches into her bag, and pulls out a croissant. After taking a bite, she moves her head to the side, and offers me a bite. I shake my head, and after she turns around, I snuggle my face into the crook of her neck, and pulling her closer.

As I'm enjoying this sweet moment with having her in my arms, it dawns on me that it's not always going to be like this once college starts. Seeing her everyday, being able to spend time with her all the time...I'm going to miss it.

"Are you sure you want to meet my parents tomorrow?" Scarlett asks, "I mean, it is your birthday. We could always do that another time."

I smile, and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. "As long as you're there." I say this as cheesy as I could make, for I know what kind of reaction would come out of her. She rolls her eyes, and turns away; but I don't miss the slight tinge of pink stained on her cheeks.

The next day at Scarlett's house, I could tell by the strained smile on Scarlett's face that she was nervous. I slip my hand underneath the table, and linked our fingers together. She sends me a quick grateful glance, continuing to eat.

"Congratulations on Colorado State, Austin," Scarlett's mom chimes, "I'm sure you're going to do great things."

I swallow my food before answering. "Thank you, I was thinking of going into nursing." I steal a side glance at Scarlett who is already looking at me. I never told her about this either, but she doesn't seem mad about it. She seems impressed and proud. She squeezes my hand in reassurance, to which makes me more comfortable.

Her dad gives me an approving head nod. "Very impressive. I heard they get great benefits." I nod my head to this, taking another bite of the spaghetti. My Aunty is a nurse, and I thought it was something I would be good at. I didn't really think about the benefits before I started looking into it more.

After dinner, we all continue to talk and laugh until Scarlett's mom jumps out of her seat. "I believe a happy birthday is in order." She sings, grinning. She goes into the refrigerator, and starts to dig around for something.

Her jump startles me, and I look to Scarlett who has an amused grin playing on her lips. Her mom returns from the fridge with a cake with happy birthday Austin written in green frosting on top. I smile, grateful that they thought to buy me a cake, but inside, my heart thumps with worry that they spent money on me. It looks like it cost a lot.

Once we were secluded in the privacy of her room, I tell her, "I appreciate all that your parents did for me tonight, but they didn't need to buy me a cake."

With a slight smile on her face, she wraps her arms around my waist comfortingly. "And I appreciate your concern, but there are perks living in a small town you know. My parents know people."

I relax a little, a small grin making its way onto my face, "they know people? What, like they stole it?" She gives me an incredulous look, and unravels her arms from around me. Before she could step away, I grab onto her forearm, pulling her close to me once again. With my arms wrapped around her waist, I lean down and connect our lips. "I was only kidding," I say, separating from her.

She lets out a soft giggle, "I know." Now it's my turn to roll my eyes and walk away. "I guess someone doesn't want their birthday present." I stop in my tracks, turned around, and extended my arms out expectantly. She walks over with her hands behind her back, a smile on her lips. She extends out her hand, and in it, are two pieces of paper with words on it. Lots and lots of words.

"You're giving me an essay for my birthday?" I ask her.

She rolls her eyes, "would you read the title?"

I do as told, and the title reads Through the Eyes of An Amateur Writer, Here's Austin Moor. My eyes snap up to hers, and I see that she's grinning from ear to ear. I wrap my arms around her, and squeezed her tight. This is hands down the best birthday gift. "I love it." I tell her. With my free hand, I wrap it around her waist and pulled her close. I stare at her beautiful eyes, and connected our lips.

I take it slow, moving my lips against hers slowly, passionately. And it's then I realize...I'm in love with Scarlett Jones.


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