💖no way😍

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I woke up and immediately threw up again. This cant be food poisoning. I looked down and thought. Me and Hayden always used a condom. Except.... the first time. No way! I ran into my room and grabbed a robe. I then ran into kenz and grabbed her and the pregnancy test on her bed sude table and then ran to jayden.

K-whats is this ?!
J- i was sleeping yano
A- i .... i think im pregnant.
L- WHAT ! u used protection.
A- yes. Except our first time.
K-oh no. Well go check.

I went to the bathroom and took the test. I came back out and we waited in silence. I slowly looked over at the test. I immidiatly cried. Of joy and sadness.

K-whats it say...
H-whats what say ?

He popped up...

H-baby why u crying

He hugged me and looked over at the test. His eyes grew.

L- whats its say...
H- s...shes.... pregnant
K- O
L- M

the boys came running down...

C- what ?
Jo- hayden u told us u used protection.
H-i thought we did.
A- we did. Except 1 time ...
H- when ?
A-my 17 th birthday.
H-omg.... how stupid can i be.
A- its not ur fault. Everything will be ok as long as ur here for the baby
H- i will be baby.
K- awe

He kissed me and then my stomach. Tbh i think he will be a great dad, he honestly makes me so happy. who knew I would be dating an ex star... hayden followed me into my room. I sat on my bed and put my head in my hands, how could I be so immature... im not doubting hayden, im doubting me...

H- babe, its gonna be okay, I promise...

A- what about my mum and sister and...

H- babe, its about us now, were a family and I love you.

A- im love you too babe...

H- and dont worry Hayley will be happy I swear...

A- but what if I have disappointed my mum hayden,

H- u couldn't disappoint anyone, not even if u tried...

A- I am so lucky to have you...

H- and so am I.

he kissed me softly on the lips before walking out, I sat still thinking... what does this mean for me, what if I mess up? what if... my family hate me?... not long after hayden walked in with my shoes and coat, he helped me put them uon I was confused,,,

H- were gonna tell our parents...

A- ugh, um ok...

he drove us all the way to mine... oh no! we walked in cautiously, wow I was scared. So Hayley ran up to me and hugged me, I laughed and hugged back... then I sat down and hayden held my hand...

Mk- annie what a nice surprise... I mean u have been staying out a lot lol...

A- mum, Hayley im pregnant.

Mk- WHATTTTTT ???? how did this happen annie

Mk- u told me you would stay a vigin till at least 17 annie

A- and I did, but there was one problem that night...


A- Hayley !

Ha- yayaya imma have a niece or nephew...

Mk- annie, im calm as long as hayden is the dad and it isnt a wierdo

H- I am the father...

A- mum im so sorry ok

Mk- its fine annie, just stay calm...

ughhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

💖Its a good mistake, i promise😭// COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now