💖I Met A Teen Sensational Star😍

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Hey I'm Julianna Leblanc. Better known as Annie. I have a pretty casual life, or so I thought.... I have 3 best friends and we r close to these 3 boys since 2 of my best friends date one of the boys each. Me ? I dont date anyone. Boys are overrated.

~Story part 1~

Beeeeeeeeep beeeeeep

It rung in my ear. Ugh. I slammed it down, trying to make it stop. It didnt work. Eventually i got up and turned it off properly. FINALLY! I dragged my tired self out of my warm, comfy, well wanted bed and into my bathroom. I showered, i didnt take too long, i kind of day dreamed while looking at each drop of water hit the surface i stood upon then slowly race to the drain to be sucked away. I was in a deep trail of thoughts, useless thoughts. I finally pulled myself together and changed into a cute outfit...

 I finally pulled myself together and changed into a cute outfit

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(Without glasses)

I did my hair in loose curls allowing them to fall at the own pace. I did light make up but made it pretty. Finally i grabbed a pair of plain black vans, and a backpack. I ran downstairs and grabbed a peice if toast that popped out the toaster as i passed, i sat down and added a little peanut butter before eating the peice in my hand.

Ha- bully !
A- huh?
Ha- that was mine !
A- i have to be at school earlier than u, i needed it...
Ha- fine love u sissy

She engulfed me into a hug and i returned it before walking to my mum and hugging her.

Mk- no trouble annie !
A- do i ever ?.
Mk- no but ur getting older, things r definatly gonna changeeee
A- ugh

I quickly walked out my house, i walked about a block to the school. I walked to the school gates and saw larson and cayden (ship names) making out. Kenzie was a 5th wheel

A- quit it *laughs*
C- sorry not sorry

Just then johnny walks up and starts to kiss kenzie, i was so much more than confused...

A- wait did i miss something?
Jo- oh kenz didnt tell u, were dating i asked her out last week and she said yes
A- damn it kenzie, i already told my readers u only had a CRUSH on johnny
K- haha readers scrap that were official my bad.
A- anyways im happy for u
J- u just need a guy now
Co- omg i know an old friend is coming up tomorrow maybe we could set u guys up
A- NO no way
C- u dont even know him
A- overrated?

There was a long silence

A- exactly
Jo- well if hayden summerall is overrated then ok
A- am i the only one who doesnt know this hayden kid ?
J- omg annie, his is like a teen pop star A- definatly overrated

I walked away leaving the others trailing behind. I dont need a boyfriend. I dont need no guys, they just leave me. Just like my brother and m..my dad. Just left me and my sister and our very upset mum... ugh.

I walked into class and sat down... its gonna be a long day ...


Lunch, proberbly my least favourite part of the day... why ? U wonder? Well i have to sit whith my friends and they r just gonna harass me about that hayden kid.
I walked into the lunch room and sat at my usual table along with the others.

K- so how has class been annie

Oh ye, i forgot to mention... i dont share ANY classes with them. Im i all top sets (not to brag) and they r in middle sets... honestly it SUCKS!

A- good ig
Jo- well any thoughts on the hayden subject.
A- i dont even know the kid so NO
Co- damn chill just a suggestion

I huffed and stood up, we finish school at lunch most days and today was one of those most days so i just went home. I guess u could say i was pretty annoyed.

Hayden/ Today im flying out to LA from texas. Im hayden summerall. Some refere to me as a teen pop star, but i dont like it, all the attention and stuff. I wanna be normal. And so i quit YES i quit. I want a normal life amd so im moving to LA. I was on the plane about to land when i remebered i need to text my boys

H-im hereeee in LA
Co-bro we tried set u up with annie, she doesnt even know u
Jo-haha welcome to "town drama" bro
H- im glad she doesnt know me, i want a normal life and is annie that cute one... damn she was cute.
C-ye she is lol,,, HAYDENS CRUSHING
H- just come pick me up u tools

Annie/ i got home and went to my room since my mum was out and hayley was still at school, then i decided since i have nothing better to do why not search this hayden kid on insta... i searched and saw his name at the top wthhhh he has a verification... he is definatly well known. I clicked it and WOW he was HOT. This kid is ... next leval. I kinda stalked his insta and liked a pic from 4 months ago... damn it ..

Hayden/ i got a notification in the car with the boys, i checked and it read "annie leblanc liked ypur post from "4 months ago"" wow she is an insta stalker girl...hot?

H- bro annie just like one of my posts and is following me

I read that as it popped up in my notifications, i quickly tapped follow on her account, then realised she is damn HOWTTTT mannnn. I decided to dm her.

H- hey annie, i see u liked my photo 😉
A- ye sorry, my friends named u and freaked out cus ur this "big teen star" so i thought id check u out
H-ugh. Truth is i just want a normal life. Fans r gonna freak when they find out i quit.
A- true fans dont care, and why'd u quit ?
H- i want a normal life, not a "teen popstar" life i wanna be a normal teenage boy
A-the one who fucks em n leaves em h- no lol; i want a commited relashonship
A- haha ok, well i gtg school in the morning
H-ill see u there 😉

Annie/ i looked at the message, whats that mean? Ooooh maybe he is enrooled in our school!!!! I jumped in the shower, embracing every drop that lands on my body... when im finished i lie in bed, and as soon as my head hits the pillow im out like a lightbulb..... till next time mr summerall....

💖Its a good mistake, i promise😭// COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now