Chapter 6

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A/N: So...I've decided that my characters "the one" will be either a vampire, or a human. I still haven't decided who, yet, what do you think?


It's wedding day!!! 'Que sarcasm.' I don't like celebrations, they're stupid, but hey you don't like anything about a celebration, until you've been to one. Well that's me right now, I'm standing here like a freakin' idiot as I have no idea how this is supposed to work, I mean I've never been to a wedding, parties? Yes, but that's irrelevant, this is a wedding!!! Like seriously, why did I even agree to this?

"Aaah! Thomas! Why aren't you dressed?! The wedding starts in an hour and I will not have anyone and I mean late." I had jumped three feet in the air, she scared the crap out of me. "Ugh! I'm sorry, but I'm doing it for you, this isn't how I wanted you to find out about us. I'm so sorry." What?! What is she on about now?! Next thing I know, I'm already dressed in the tux, Alice somehow obtained for me, with said person not at my door frame, like she was before, no.

She was right in front of me, doing up my bow tie.

"How did you...?" She looked at me, then pushed my jaw shut cutting me off and starting with my tie again, within like a split second.

"I'll explain that after the wedding, I promise. Just for now...? Leave it alone...please." Again with the pouting, though this time it actually looked like she'd cry if I pushed it, so I let it go, for now, and let her do her thing.

When she was done, I think, she brought me to the mirror in the room and slowly spun me around.

"So...what do you think?" I didn't exactly look like me, but at least this way I actually look attractive.

"Ok...yeah, I can work with this." I said with a slight smile, I was about to look out the window and where I was meant to stand, but an arm, a very strong arm, pulled me all way to stand near Jasper, whom I'm still getting used to.

"Hello." He said and I noticed he never really talked that much, so in a way, a little like me, just a little more awkward.

"Hey." I said with a little smirk. I jumped when I felt someone touch my shoulder and turned to look at said someone only to have my eyes widen. "Seth? As in the Seth Clearwater?" I was shocked I hadn't seen him since he was five.

"The one and only!" He laughed, which me laugh, I hugged him.

"Last time I saw you... you were five and always and I mean always wore wolf ears, you'd never take them off 'cause you believed..." He cut me off and I let him.

"That if I did then, the legend of my tribe wouldn't be real." We laughed and continued to laugh and talk until we had to go to our places for wedding, it's weird and I don't really understand any of this, but Alice dragged me to stand next to her, which lead me to be diagonally across from Seth.

The music for the bride, I'm guessing, started playing and Bella started walking down the aisle with her dad walking with her, I looked away...I couldn't look, my parents are dead, and she has both of them, I hate when I'm reminded that I'll never get have them in my life anymore. I didn't look back at her until her dad let go of her hand.

The wedding? It was great, but it was a little awkward and I don't really like awkward, so every now and then I'd squirm uncomfortably, but besides that it was pretty alright and that leads me to the reception. I was talking and fooling around with Seth when we heard a throat being cleared, I turned to direction it came from and smiled a little.

"'s it feel?" I asked in a teasing manner, what? Seth brought out my playful side...I need entertainment.

"To be married? Or to be teased?" I thought about it, and I decided play a little more.

"Uh...see I don't remember you being teased in anyway, in the last five minutes anyway. Do you Seth?" I asked somehow knowing he would play along.

" I don't, so Bella please explain...who teased you?" He asked her and I was trying really hard not to laugh. She playfully glared at us, then smirked and shook her head.

"Alright I get it, if that's how it's going to be..." Seth and I looked at each other and cracked up laughing, oh I couldn't do it anymore, it hurt too much to hold in.

"We're kidding obviously, hehe, but seriously though, to be married. How does it feel?" I asked after I was repeatedly whacked in the back of the head every time I laughed, problem was, every time she hit me? I would laugh, because she intended to punish me for teasing her, it didn't end well, it didn't hurt and that's why I was laughing.

"It feels...amazing, like flying or something, no, more like heaven and home put together." I smiled, good then I can finally tell her my nickname I have for her hubby.

"So you're completely happy with Edweirdo?" I asked and mentally smirked evily.

"Edweird...really?" And I laughed, like a maniac.

"Ahahaha...ha! I'm...uh!...I'm sorry..." I couldn't stop this time...I couldn't breathe, I loved every minute of their torment, I'm a sadist, leave me alone.

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