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A/N: The bike is Thomas' in this story. Get over it!!!
Spendin' your entire life on stayin' in one place your whole life is harder than people make it out to be. My life was perfect. I had a family, friends, a best friend, great job, who knew that could all go downhill in a split second, ooh ooh I know!!! Me! I know how it happened, how I lost my job, my family and my friends.

It's simple really, my friends were killed by some murderer in the streets, my family? Well that was a different story, it started out with my parents drivin' us, my little brother Ty and I, to a restaurant not too far from where we lived, it came out of nowhere...

It stood in the middle of the road, my dad, Chuck, he swerved to get out of the way, which caused the car to be flipped and, after that well you can guess, they didn't make it, I couldn't do anythin' and I hate myself for it.

I still have Riley though, him and his mom were like a second family to me. I haven't see them in a few days though, don't know why, but I didn't ask.

Anyway on to a different subject. Oh, of course! How rude of me? Man my mom woulda whacked me in the back of the head, for not being formal and proper, like she raised me, man it's amazin' how easy it is to forget things without your parents remindin' you all the time, anyway...

My name is Thomas Jasper Whitlock, sorry I've always wanted to do this but, at your service *insert mock salute -and bow-* hehe. I didn't mention how I lost my job, did I? Oops, but hey take a guess.

If you guessed depression, then you were half correct, yes, depression was a big factor, it was also because I couldn't stop "freakin' " out the customers, or so my boss told me 'apparently' I would occasionally just stare at people and not move, so they thought I was a statue.

I know ridiculous, and when I did move they would jump and leave saying that I was creepy. It's stupid, but hey it's life, sorry my phones ringin' so I'm gonna answer that.

I picked up my phone answered it without lookin' at the caller ID.


"Tom.." I froze, Riley what happened to you?

"Riley? Is that you? What happened? What's wrong?" He sounds different, like he needs help.

"Nothing, nothing...I just need you to meet at the bridge, under it, you know...? Our bridge?" I cut him off.

"Yeah where we used to play when we were little. When do you need me..." It was Riley that cut me off this time.

"Now? Please?" He begged.

"Of course." I said gettin' up off my make shift bed. "Yeah, I'll uh...I'll be there in 10 minutes" I hung up before I got a reply and bolted down the emergency exit staircase on the side of the wall, hopped on my motorcycle, that I stole from a junkyard and fixed up, "incompetent people", and drove as fast as I could, to our playground.


Please don't be dyin', please don't be dyin'. I kept repeating it in my head hoping that he's ok and that he just needs advice or something, my hopes crashed when I arrived, a few minutes later, to an empty underground space where we used to play.

I parked my bike and tried to call him... he wouldn't answer, I got off my bike and had a look around.
"Riley?" I whispered thinkin' that this was officially a bad idea. "Riley?!" I whisper/yelled. "Riley, where are you?!" I sighed and turned around to go back to my bike and get out of here, only to jump three feet in the air when I came face to face a pretty redheaded woman.

"Why, what hot piece of meat you are?" I was shocked, and I coulda sworn I heard a growl from behind me, I swear though, if this is Riley's way to get me laid, I'll fuckin' kill him.

I shook myself off that thought, cleared my throat and fixed my posture, gotta stop forgetting to do that!

"Good evening miss, he...have you *ahem* you haven't by any chance seen my friend have you? He asked me to meet him, but I-" She cut me off.

"What's your name?" Damn it I knew I forgot somethin', I sighed at myself.

"Right sorry, forgive me, I'm still trying' to remember everything my...that's not important. Thomas...Thomas Jasper Whitlock, ma'am." I bowed a little, then looked at her again, I can't believe how hot she is!!!

"I'm Victoria, and thank you I've always appreciated a man who knows what they like..." She purred, purred? Yes purred and I blushed.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean-" She cut me off again and to be honest I'm findin' it hard to think straight, damn you Riley fuckin' Biers.

"Riley? How do you know Riley?" God damn it!

"We've been best friends for years." I swallowed. "How do you know him?"
She chuckled and it was like music to my ears.

"Well how about you ask him yourself, I'm assuming he's who you're looking for?" I cleared my throat again and nodded.

"Yes ma'am." She booped my nose, I usually hate it when people do that, but it was different, like, gettin' a gift or something, then she made a motion with her fingers for me to turn around and when I did... I jumped and screamed.

And that was the last thin' I remember before darkness took me over...

A/N: So, what do you think? Vote, Comment, and whatever else. If you have any questions, just ask.
Byyyyyyyyye my lovelies!!!!

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