
16 1 0

I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the window above my bed.

I wanted to just lay in bed listening to the rain, but knew I couldn't. Today was the day I would start working, so I had to get ready.

I pulled the white sheets of my body instantly felling the cold the sent chills through my body.

As I walked to my kitchen my stomach makes a weird grarrara noise.

"I'm starving" I say as I open my fridge.

I look inside seeing absolutely nothing.

I close it then open it again as if food would magically appear.

"Great" I say crossing my arms leaning against my counter top.

I walk towards a box in my living room that had my coffee machine and mugs. I plug my coffee machine in excited to have a cup of coffee on a cozy morning.
Then it hits me

"I DON'T HAVE ANY COFFEE! UGHHSHS" I take a deep breath not wanting to ruin my morning.

I walk to my bedroom, as my stomach is still growling to pick out an out fit.

"Hmm.. what should I wear" I say look through my suit cases and some boxes with shoes in them.

I decided to wear a pink sweater with a white collared shirt peeking out underneath along with a soft gray skirt.

As I looked at the clock I saw it was almost seven and I had to leave at 8:00 to be there at 8:30, Because I had absolutely no idea where I was going and i hated being late.

Before walking to my bathroom I decided to put some gray crew socks on that had white lace at the ends. I brushed my teeth and looked in the mirror. I decided to my long Carmel hair up in a high ponytail. I put on some light make up that made me look effortlessly beautiful.

I realize it 7:52 so I grab my gray coat, pink purse, and walk to my living room to get my umbrella and my off white Oxfords and head out.

Hello I'm sorry for any bad grammar and I'm gonna try updating more please comment any feedback thank you and love you 💕💕💕💕🤗

Ps: sorry I didn't know what to title this

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