Chapter σηє

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Today was not the day to mess with the Hybrid King unless you had a death wish. Klaus scanned the Mystic Grill hoping to avoid the Scooby gang as he liked to refer to them. He had had enough of their antics as of lately and just wanted a little liquid courage to calm his nerves before he decapitated someone. Surprisingly, the place wasn't crowded and no one he knew was here. He took his place at the bar and compelled the bartender to fetch him a glass of Bourbon.

Audrey stepped out of the restroom and slowly made her way to an empty table in the back. That restroom was filthy, she was glad all she had to do was wash her hands. She usually avoided places like this. Enclosed spaces where she could easily be pointed out, but today was different. There was a nagging feeling in the back off her mind, but she didn't understand what it meant. Sitting in the booth, she opened her bag and got out her reading material. Audrey's had this book all her life, but she still likes to read every once in a while to make sure she didn't miss anything. She buried her head into the book and got to reading.

He had never seen this girl before. Klaus hadn't even noticed her when he first walked in. She was sitting alone in the back, reading a thick book. Her fingers were flying across the pages as she read along. Whatever it was had her full and undivided attention. The young woman's dark hair looked like someone had taken a knife and just started cutting away. It was in waves, cut short to about chin length. She wore all black, something girls in this town didn't do unless they were attending a funeral. What had him so curious was that she had on dark tinted sunglasses. This wouldn't of been so strange to him if the sun had actually been out today and she had been outside instead of the dimly lit Grill. Klaus let his curiosity get the best of him as he stood from his stool and slowly made his way over to the girl.

The hairs on the back of Audrey's neck stood up as a shiver ran done her spine. They were warning her that danger was near. She swiftly closed her book, locked it, and placed it back into her shoulder bag. Her nerves were standing on edge as the stranger came closer. She looked up just in time to see a dark outline of a man, she assumed, come to a stop at her table. The voices in her head were screaming danger, it took all she had to push them to the back of her mind. She didn't understand until she noticed the color of their aura, it was purple.

"Mind if I take a seat here, love?" Klaus asked nicely.

The girl was stunned for a moment, no one ever talked to her. "No, go right ahead." She said, watching him slide into the booth seat across from her. "What can I do for you, Mister...?" Audrey broke off as she realized she had no idea who this man was.

A smirk made its way onto his lips. He loved meeting people that didn't know who he was, it made the chase that much more fun. "Niklaus Mikaelson, but just call me Klaus. May I ask what your name is, love? I've never seen you around before." The name sounded familiar to her, but nothing came to mind.

'This man is trying to flirt with me', she thought to herself. "Ah, so you're curious. Well my name is Audrey, Mr. Mikaelson. I don't go out very often, maybe that's why you've never seen me before. I prefer my own company to that of others." She tried to hint to him, although she did like his accent.

"Well love, this seems like a great opportunity to meet someone new. What do you say to me buying you a drink?" He offered.

Aubrey tilted her head toward the window. It was going to be dark in a little less than half an hour. It was dangerous for someone like her to be out late. "No thanks, I really should get going. It's almost sunset, I don't want to break curfew." She silently mused.

Klaus made a move to grab her hand, but she quickly pulled it down onto her lap. He shook his head as he rubbed the stubble on his chin with his other hand. "Look, all I'm trying to do is to get to know you better. Is that such a crime? Are you too innocent to the art of flirting or are you to blind to see what's happening before you?" He asked a bit rudely. He couldn't help it, Klaus was not a man known for his patience.

A mocking and teasing smirk played on her lips as she stood. "I may be blind to some things, Mr. Mikaelson, but you attempt at flirting with me was quite clear. Sorry to break it to you, but I'm not interested." She said reaching into her bag and unfolding her walking stick. Klaus' mouth slightly parted as the girl stood from her seat. She reached her hand out and gently patted his shoulder. "You should close your mouth, love." She playfully mocked him as she made it down the stairs and exited the Grill without a problem. As she made her getaway, she could finally decipher what the voices were trying to tell her. The man she had just spoken to was the most feared of them all, the original hybrid.

Klaus watched as Aubrey leisurely walked away. Her movements were graceful for someone who was blind. He was momentarily stunned by this new girl. He had never met anyone who managed to get the best of him, besides his father. For once in his life, Niklaus Mikaelson was left speechless.

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