Chapter тняєє

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No matter how hard Klaus tried to forget about the young witch, something in the back of his mind wouldn't let him. Klaus couldn't understand it himself either, there was nothing remotely special about the young woman. 'Or so it would seem', he would think second guessing himself. He had spent hours on end searching for anything that would shed some light on the young woman, but there was nothing. Every lead he could find would result in a dead end. It was like she had just enough information to exist, but nothing about who she really was. She was hiding something and knowing Klaus, once he was onto something, he wouldn't let it go.

Knocking on the door of his potential source, Klaus heard footsteps before coming face to face with a certain young blonde vampire. Caroline took a step back in shock, her back pressed into the door frame as she tried to put as much space between them as possible. "What do you want, Klaus? As you can see I'm on my way out." A scowl covered her face as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Shaking his head, he let out an amused laugh at the girl's attitude. "Well it's good to see you too, love. I hope you haven't missed me too much." He grinned down at the young vampire. "I'm actually here to see the sheriff about some important business."

Caroline's facial expression turned into one of confusion. "What do you want from my mom?"

Before Klaus could answer, Elizabeth appeared at the door. She was in casual clothing, drying her wet hands on a paper towel. "Klaus, this is an unexpected surprise. What can I do for you?" She asked, puzzled.

Looking back at the suspicious teenager, he turned his attention back to the sheriff. "I'm here on a matter of personal business. Could we speak in private?" Elizabeth spared a glance at her daughter before opening the door a little wider and nodding her head. Klaus stepped inside the home, only walking a short distance to the kitchen. Before the door closed behind him, he heard the woman tell Caroline in a stern voice to 'go on about her business'.

As soon as Liz walked into the room, he got straight to business. "I'm looking for a girl that goes by the name of Audrey. She's about average height, dark brown hair, dresses in all black and more notably blind. You wouldn't happen to know anything about her, would you?"

There was a fault in Liz's step as she moved around the counter, opposite Klaus. "Why are you looking for her?" She asked, trying to hide the quiver in her voice.

His eyes zeroed in on her like a hawk. "She seems to have peaked my curiosity. We had a little chat a couple of days ago, but now she won't come out of hiding."

Liz sighed, "Look Klaus, Audrey is a very nice girl. She keeps to herself and stays out of trouble. There is no need to drag her into the middle of anything."

"If you're worried about the girl's safety, I can assure you that I won't harm her. Although, I do need to discuss some things with Audrey that are of the utmost importance. You do know about her, don't you?" He asked, causing Liz to nod her head curtly.

Opening a drawer, she reluctantly pulled out a pen and a post-it. "If you want to get a message to her, she has a PO Box down at the post office. She never steps foot in the place, but she somehow always gets her mail. If you want to get something to her, then that would be the best way. Although I can't guarantee she will respond back." Liz finished writing down the information, then handed it over to Klaus. "A bit of a warning to you, even though you won't take me seriously. Audrey isolates herself for a reason, she's not like others, she's different. Sometimes Audrey can't control herself and-" She broke off, her mind somewhere else. "-bad things happen." She finished, looking solemn.

Klaus was not impressed with Liz's little speech. "I've lived over a thousand years and have met hundreds of witches. Many of them have tried to kill me and they have all failed. I am immortal, nothing can kill me. Thank you for your concern, but I'm not afraid of a little girl." He stood up straight, fixing his clothing. "Now, I must be on my way. I have a witch to hunt down." He waved, briskly walking out of the Forbes residence and toward the town square.

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