Will Graham x Reader 1

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Note: thank you for reading my story! I haven't seen many Hannibal stories on here so decided to add my own. Please send requests.

The first  time you met Will Graham he had been...rude. It was at a crime scene, and technically, you weren't even supposed to be there. You'd been having lunch with your friend Jack Crawford when he got the call, and he didn't have time to drop you off at your house, so he let you tag along.

Upon seeing the body, you vomited, which apparently broke Will out of his "serial killer thinking mode". His eyes flew open and he turned to you.

"Do you mind?" He asked, watching you bent over and blowing chunks.m

You straightened up. "Excuse me for being traumatized by seeing a body."

"Who even are you?" Will asked, his face contorted into a look of annoyance. "Jack, why would you bring someone to a crime scene if they're just going to vomit and contaminate it?"

Jack stepped forward and put a hand on your back. He shot Will an unreadable expression. "Will, play nice. This is (y/n), she's with me."

Will raised an eyebrow. "You're not FBI, are you?"
You shook your head.
You shook your head again.
You shook your head for a third  time.

He simply snorted and turned back to the scene. You didn't know what the his issue was but you didn't really care; the only thing on your mind was getting away from the horror in front of you.

"He's in the zone." Jack explained. "It's not personal."

You nodded weakly and gestured to the car. "I'm gonna go."

Two months later, you still hadn't forgotten about that. The onslaught of online articles about how weird he was and his involvement with the Chesapeake ripper didn't help either. You wouldn't be surprised if he was as crazy as Freddie Lounds made him out to be.

One of Jack's friends, Dr. Lecter, invited him to a dinner party and you'd gotten roped into it. Jack's wife was too sick to go and he didn't want to go by himself; how could you say no to that? He'd assured you there would be great food and music.

Now, you regretted it. You stood by the buffet table, every cell of your body yearning to go home. You couldn't recognize a single face here. The food was good, but you couldn't even figure out what it was and you were too nervous to ask anyone in case you looked stupid. Jack abandoned you to mingle with these fancy strangers dressed in brand name gowns and draped in diamonds. You, on the other hand, had on a cheap dress and costume jewelry from a clearance rack in the mall. Everyone could probably tell you didn't really belong.

After shoving some mystery snack into your mouth you became acutely aware of someone watching you. You flipped your hair as you turned to scan the room and then your eyes locked with none other than Will Graham.

He immediately cast his gaze away from you. You copied him but snuck a glance out of the corner of your eye. Will had on a simple green jacket, jeans, and boots. Certainly not the fancy style of everyone else. You breathed a sigh of relief. You weren't alone in not fitting in. Although on second thought, you weren't sure about being "twinsies" with a guy who'd been a suspect for serial killings.

You turned back to the snack table feeling half better about yourself and half confused.

"Have I met you before?" A soft voice asked.

Looking up, you saw Will standing on the other side of the table.

"Yes, yes you have," you replied. Was he here to berate you about your vomiting?

He tilted his head. "I believe you were the one who vomited at the... Boggs case, was it?"

"It was my first time," you defended yourself, "I mean. Seeing something like that."

He shook his head. "It's fine. I wish I could be like that."

"What, barfy?" You asked.

"No, not barfy." He smiled. "You know, sensitive, seeing a crime scene for the first time, like that."

"Oh." That answer surprised you. You genuinely didn't know what to say.

"And sorry if I was a bit.. Cold to you. I was sick. Encephalitis." He gestured to his head. You didn't tell him that you already knew all about it, courtesy of Freddie Lounds.

Will didn't want to talk about that unpleasantness so he changed the subject. "Um, you know Jack Crawford, right?"

"Yeah. We're neighbors and sometimes I do housework for him." You didn't want to add that you did it because of his wife being sick. "And since I live away from my family and new here, he invites me to do stuff like this so its less lonely." You explained. Jack told you that he and Will had a tenuous relationship at best.

You reached for a cracker topped with what looked like ham and cheese. Will cringed.

"I wouldn't eat that if I were you." His voice dropped low, and you drew your hand back.

"Why not?" You asked. It looked perfectly fine, what was the issue?

He narrowed his eyes. "The meats ...bad."

You still weren't convinced with that ominous answer but you left the meat alone anyways.

"You go to parties like this a lot?" Will changed the subject once more.

"Do you?" You countered.

He snickered. "Absolutely not."

"Me either," you confessed, and you both laughed.

"I'm actually surprised you said that. You look like you go to a lot of these." He gestured to your outfit. Yes! So maybe you were passable as a fancy person, after all.

A small blush appeared on your face. "Thanks." You said, shyly. "Not to be rude or anything but I'm not really a party person. I don't even know anyone here. Jack ditched me."

"I don't know anyone either. Well, anyone that I like, that is." Will glanced across the room as if to make sure there really wasn't anyone he was fond of.
You and Will looked at each other curiously for a moment, his eyes searching yours.

"You wanna.. You wanna leave?" He asked, hesitating, hoping he wasn't being too weird. "Oh, not like that, I mean we could go get food. I mean, normal food. Or, um-"

Even though it was cute to see him stutter and blush, you cut him off. "I'd love that. We can get food."  Now that you'd talked, will didn't seem like the crazed murderer everyone had accused him of. In fact he seemed like a shy, sweet, and soft spoken man.

"Well, then. My lady," Will offered his arm out to you and you linked yours in his.

You both headed out of the room, ignoring the odd looks partygoers were giving you. You had no idea where you were going or what you were doing but you were sure as hell glad you'd given Will a second chance.

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