Chilton x reader 1

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From what your friends told you, Dr. Chilton was an insufferable asshole who's only interest was himself. So, you didn't feel bad about stealing his papers. Especially since it was to further an important case.

Abel Gideon, a man who claimed to be the Chesapeake ripper, had killed one of the nurses at the hospital. There was still some suspicion that he wasn't really the murderer you were looking for, so you went with Will and Jack to spy while they investigated the scene.

Dr. Chiltons office fit with the "insufferable asshole" persona you'd been warned about. It was elaborately decorated, restrained just enough to not be obnoxious or overwhelming. The doctor himself was completely fixated on Will, pretty much ignoring you and Jack. He had an intensely eager air about him- desperate to pick Wills brain, it seemed. Certainly not the bumbling idiot you'd imagined him being.

After some halfhearted niceties Dr. Chilton insisted on escorting Will and Jack to the crime scene. You plopped yourself down in a chair.

"She doesn't do bodies." Jack said in reply to Dr. Chilton's questioning look. You nodded in agreement. It was half true, bodies grossed you out. And staying gave you the opportunity to go through the office, which Jack had put you up to.

"Oh. Okay," Dr. Chilton said dubiously. "I guess it won't be long."

The trio headed off down the hall, and as soon as the door swung shut behind them you shot out of your chair.

You went around the desk and glanced over the top of it. Nothing about Abel Gideon. A little red light blinked on the computer and you clicked the mouse. Maybe there was some sort of database. A screen popped up asking for a password. Damn it! So much for that idea.

Dr. Chilton said they wouldn't take long. That stupid file better show up soon. Desk drawers flew open and shut as you continued your search, and when you couldn't find anything, you turned to the shelves. Right at eye level there was a little bin, looking oddly out of place amongst all the books.

You grabbed it and peeked inside. It was filled with tapes, all labeled with different names and organized alphabetically. They had no other explanation besides the names. You picked through the box curiously and recognized the name of another serial killer. If he had something on Abel, it would be in here. E.....F....G for Gideon, Abel. You pocketed the tape just as you heard approaching footsteps.

You frantically tried to put the tapes back in order and stuffed the box onto the shelf haphazardly. You dived into your chair right as the door opened.

Dr. Chilton, Will, and Jack spoke in hushed, angry tones. You heard something about "I'm not giving you a file" and a "how could I be wrong?"

"(Y/n)," Will raised an eyebrow. "You good?"

"Yup. All set." You got up and walked over casually, like you hadn't just stolen from the man standing right in front of you. Dr. Chilton gave a polite, tense smile. He'd probably been begging for an interview with Will and was peeved he didn't get it.

"All right. Feel free to call me if you have any questions about Abel Gideon. I assure you, he's your man." Dr. Chilton said.

Will snorted and you elbowed him while trying not to laugh.

"Yes. I'll certainly consider it." Jack ignored you and Wills shenanigans and shook hands with Dr. Chilton.

When you left the building a wave of relief washed over you and you patted the tape in your pocket just to make sure it was still there. Who knew what was on it. It might not have even been important.

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