Dogs of war

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Eternal Realm

Two weeks later

Yasmine POV

"NO!" My father yells at me as I throw my hands up in defeat. "You can not be in love with a fucking hound. Especially when you two have just met." He hisses at both me and James as he growls under his breath. "He rinks of dog stench." My brother Ajax puts his two cents in as James gives him a dark glare signaling to watch how he speaks. "I have never felt so connected to a person in my life father." I urge him to come to his senses and give us his blessings but his racism for the werewolves would not disease.

"We have gone to war with his people for decades. Hell centuries. We must kill him before he escapes!" Castor says one of the vampires sworn to protect my fathers throne. "You can step all you want, but before I fall I'll take you all down with me." James says as I grab his arm putting him behind me. "If you want to kill him. Your going to have to kill me too." I say meaning it as my fangs emerge from my teeth.

"Enough!" A loud thud hit the room silencing the commotion as me and James and over a hundred vampires watch The vampire of Death enter the room. "It's you." James says astonishingly as if he saw him before. "My name is Thanatos. I am the great great grandson of the horrific Oswo." Thanatos speaks as everyone kneels before him as me and James stayed put on our feet. "Aeson. Be not fooled just because I made you a king, that doesn't make you a God." Thanatos says to my father as he nods his head in embarrassment as Thanatos disappeared and reappeared in front of James. "I remember you." He says to James as James growled low enough for me to hear. "You have my permission to take Yasmine as your beloved." He says as I smile widely as my father has a look of hatred brewing in the distant.

Malia POV

"Malia, where has James been?" Daiya asked making her way through the sand. "Probably dead." I tell her as she looks at me with a look of unsure as I roll my eyes. "He's imprinted on a fucking vampire." I snarl at her feeling jealousy build up in my stomach. "Imprint?" She asks me as I sigh heavy. "You know how animals find a mate and imprint on them becoming their one and only?" I ask her as she nods her head slowly. "That's how it is with Werewolves and Vampires." I tell her as she has a look of realization. "That's good for him." She says as I stand up. "It's not. She's dangerous." I insist as she folds her arms at me. "You sure you ain't just jealous." She says as I walk towards the office building to talk to Derek.

I walk in the doors as he looks exhausted. "What's wrong?" I asked him as he looks up eyes bloodshot red. "You slept with him." He says as my heart sinks as I stumble trying to find my words. "It didn't mean anything." I tell him as a tear falls from his left eye. "That hurts. So I mean nothing to you? This whole entire two years of me and you!" Derek says flipping over the desk. Any normal human would've struggled and probably wouldn't have manage to flip the table like desk. "You've been keeping me a secret. It didn't matter anyway." I say as he walks up to me grabbing me by my throat lifting me off of my feet. "It's means everything." His eyes began to glow dark red as I can tell he was getting his power back.

My mouth drops from realization. "He's getting weak isn't he?" I asked as he dropped me on the floor as I fall on my feet. "He's in love, with an opposing enemy as well. She's draining his durability to transform, He's not a Alpha anymore." Derek says with a evil sadistic smirk. "I am." He growls as his growl shakes the whole room as if it was a earthquake surrounding us. "But at what cost? Leon and Carter are dead. Where the only two left minus Daiya and James. Those two aren't going to follow you. Maybe Daiya if you force her to obey you. Your the alpha she has no choice but as long as James is still breathing she'll never be under your control." I tell him as he nods his head in agreement. "Then James has to die. For all we know he's been manipulated. He's the enemy now. A Fucking vampire lover." Derek says as the door opens to Daiya as she's in shock to what she may have heard.

"I can't let you do that." Daiya says for once in her life stepping up and being mature. "Daiya go." Derek insists as she steps close as I stand in front of her as her eyes glow red as I back away watching her stand in front of Derek. "Your a alpha now?" I asked her as she ignores me before anyone of us could react Derek hit her in the face with the force of a train as she collided on the floor cracking her skull open. "DEREK!" I scream as her eyes were moving blurry as if she was trying to stay woke. "She'll heal." Derek says as we waited five minutes but she wasn't healing and it was getting worse as a tear fell down from my face. "I'm sorry Daiya." I say to her hoping she hears me as Derek climbs on top of her and snaps her neck killing her instantly.

James POV

I shiver as I get goosebumps crawling on my skin as I feel something wrong is happening. "James what's wrong baby?" Yasmine says to me as I look at her with confusion as her mouth drops open as she pulls out a pocket mirror showing me my eyes. They were glowing yellow as I stood up from the table. We were eating outside her fathers castle as all of the vampires were inside. But that'll have to wait something just doesn't feel right. "Yasmine I got to go." I say not giving her a chance to talk back as I jump into the portal leading back to the human realm as I shift immediately into my wolf body. I thud my paws on the ground racing the cars in front of me as I sprint in front of them. I listen for every howl or heart beat of the wolves in the town. Only two were racing rapidy not three which means Daiya isn't in her form.

I head to the beach as her scent starts to smell dead on rotten. Her sweet perfume was surrounded by the stench of dried up blood. No. No. No Nononono. I can't focus anymore as I finally approach the office I phase back into my human body as I step into the doors. "NONONO." I say to myself. "Daiya?" I say hoping she responds as I walk over to her body. My heart hurts. I held her in my arms shaking her to wake up but she's unresponsive. I feel frozen as my little sister is lifeless in my arms. "DEREK. MALIA. I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I scream before crying into her curly long hair balling my eyes out as everything seems frozen in place.

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