Finding The Dragon Lord

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Two weeks later

James POV

"Do i look okay for a guy with one eye?" I asked Alx as she looked at me before rolling her eyes.
"I wouldn't know what you'd look like if you had two." She said to me as we were walking butt ass naked into a beautiful jungle. Everything was green or brown besides the water. We were walking in dirt before I grew annoyed from all of this walking.

"We've been wondering this damn Jungle for days Alx. Why can't we just go into the ocean in kick his stupid Shark ass." I stated as we walk past a bunch of monkeys taunting us in the trees. I flick one of them off as he mimics me and gives me back the middle finger. Little shit. "You are so stupid." Alx says as we come across a rocky ledge. At the bottom was a lake as Alx started to sit down looking at the trees.

I sit down next to her as we were both nude. I shredded my clothes when I first came on this island, she just didn't wear clothes at all. "We can't breathe under water. And even if we could he would still kick both of our asses." She goes on as she looks me in my eye. My other eye was still gone as it hadn't healed yet. I shaved my beard off as I had a smooth face as I looked at my reflection in a puddle.

"He'll kick your ass. He won't kick mine." I stated as she rolls her eyes at me. "Tell that to your eye." She said looking at where my eye used to be. I sat there quiet as I started to miss my eye. "Is it that bad?" I asked her as she turned her head back at me. "It's closed. You wouldn't be able to tell unless you opened it... then you would see that it's missing." She told me as I nodded my head as I looked down at the lake.

I place my hand on her back as she looks at me. "What are you doing?" She asked as I used my super strength to push her down into the lake. Splash. She fell into the water as she came up arms swinging around wild. She was gasping trying to catch her breath as she started to drop. "I... can't... swim." She said as my hearted started racing as I jumped into the lake as she started to sink. I go to grab her as she smiles a sinister smile once I got her in my arms.

She grabbed me by hair and threw my face in the water as I let her go. I come up from the water catching my breath as she's laughing at me. "Oh it's on." I say as I swim at her tackling her in the water. She gets up and sweeps at my leg knocking me in the water as I swim up. We're both laughing as I went towards her as she wrestled me for dominance as I slammed her into the water.

This went on for awhile before we finally got tired and laid in the grass. We watched the sun fall as she sighed before sitting up. "What's wrong?" I asked her as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "He killed them all." She said as i pulled her into my arms for a hug. Minutes went by as I started to think about her being naked on me as my dick got hard of the thought. She must've felt it on her thigh as she purred into my neck. She then proceeded to throw me down on the ground pinning me down. "I need something from you." She whispered into my ear before biting into it with her fangs.

I groan loudly grabbing her hips as she was strong. "You might be stronger than me with brute strength... but you've never been with a werecheetah before." She said biting into the other side of my neck. I felt helpless as she was taking control of me. "Do you want me to stop wolf?" She asked as she was in her cheetah humanoid form jacking me off. I bite my lip and shake my head no. I'm sorry Mia.

My mind started to race as Yasmine started to come in my mind. Shit. Then Mia flashed in my head too. Fuck. Now Alx. She was back in her human form as she slid myself inside of her. She placed her hands on my neck choking me as she balanced herself to bounce on my hard on. She choked me harder as she used her super strength and speed to bounce hard and fast. She had this look of lust in her eyes and the smell of sexual frustrations were building up as she was releasing them. My eyes glowing red as the harder she bounced the more my heart raced.

My inner beast was getting angry as we weren't used to being dominated. I flip her over so now I'm on top. I grab her legs placing them over my shoulders. I could feel my wolf fangs extending from my mouth as hers flashed back when she moaned. Her juices were overflowing as she was cumming. I punch my knuckles in the grass as my fist dug deep leaving a fist hole in the ground. I was at my reach as I howled at the glowing moon as I pulled out releasing my seed on her.

A hour later

We didn't speak to each other as we were confused on what had just happened. An hour went by as we just stared at the moon shining it's reflection in the water. "Your... really good at that." She said as I turned my head to look at her. "I never... been in a state like that." I told her as she nodded at me. She went in the water as I joined her. Following behind her as she looked me in my eyes.

I grab her pulling her towards me as i kiss her lips as she kissed me back. She then placed her hands on my chest and pushed me away from her. "No. It was a mistake. We have to find Dragons heaven." She said as I immediately got turned off. She got out of the water as she started to walk towards the land. She jumped up towards the ledge before walking off into the noisy jungle. I follow her as we started to walk back to the trees where all the animals were lurking.

After minutes of walking by I started to think about what happened. So wild... so aggressive. I wanted more. I grabbed her pulling her into my arms as she turned around scratching me. She cut my face as it immediately healed as she stormed off.

A week later

"What is Dragons heaven?" I asked her as she didn't say a word. She was mad at me still. "It's been a weak at least. You can't be mad forever." I told her she mean mugged me. "You can leave. I don't need your help. I need the Dragon lords help." She said as she started to walk off as I grabbed her arm. She swung a punch at me as I grabbed her arm turning her around. I put her in a arrested position as my super strength locked her arms together.

"Let me go wolf." She said as she struggled to get out. "Tell me who the dragon lord is." I said as i squeezed her arms as she winced in pain. "I'll dig my claws into you. I'll hurt you Alx." I told her as she calmed down before relaxing. I let her go as she turned around looking me in my eyes. "The dragon lord is supposedly half Dragon and Half man. He can turn into a man but he has The original soul of a dragon. He stays in the sky so the legends have gone by calling him God." She said as I scrunch my face up.

"Werewolves and Vampires... that's fine. I can handle that. Ghost? Okay okay it's believable I can handle that. Death angel trying to reap ghost? I can still somehow handle that. Hell even a giant shark man committing genocide on Mia's people and your people. I can still manage to handle that. But fucking dragons." I said as Alx looked at me rolling her eyes. "I don't know your past. I don't know what you've been through before we met. But this Genesis shark man is a bigger threat than any thing we've ever dealt with. We need to ask the Dragon lord how to beat him... maybe even convince him to get out of the clouds. He can kill him James." She said as i nodded my head at her.

"What makes this guy so special though?" I continued to question her as she took a deep sigh. "I don't know James. Geez. I just know he can turn into a damn dragon." She snaps as I shake my head at her as we continued to walk together. "That sounds fucking overpowered." I say under my breath as i crack my neck and my fingers.

"Let's go find a dragon." I said as moments later we started walking towards a volcano.

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