Iron Finger 2.0

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An iron finger. You had seen this one coming, but not you who pulled it out. You blinked at it a couple times. "Wait, what?!"

Tony clapped his hands, climbing off the couch. "Lucky, aren't you?"

Clint scoffed, tossing a drumstick at him. It bounced off Tony's head, and Tony looked offended. "Watch the ego, Stark!" Clint sing-song-ed.

Tony chuckled sarcastically as he offered you a hand. "My ego doesn't need watching, if I leave it be it grows just fine."

You couldn't help it, so you laughed, and Tony looked like he'd been handed a puppy.

"Does this closet suit his royal majesty?" Clint asked.

Tony kicked at him, but clint dodged as he chortled at Tony.

You would've loved to laugh, but your heart was pounding in your chest at the very thought of Tony and you. In a closet.



"When seven minutes is up," Tony said, taking the door handle in one hand and still holding your hand in the other. "Knock. Don't just push it open. We've discussed this."

Clint nodded, saluting. "Sir yes sir!"

Tony scoffed and slammed the door. "Okay, you have ten seconds to get against that door with your legs around my waist and hands above your head. Joint effort, let's go." He clapped his hands once, and in a state of pure nerves, you jumped to him, he caught you, and spun to press you to the door.

You panted as you lifted your hands over your head.

He, however, was calm, placing his palm flat on your wrists slowly.

He pressed his forehead to yours. "Shh, calm down, it's okay."

You swallowed hard and nodded softly. "I-I am calm."

Tony's free hand covered your heart. "No you're not."

You gulped at his hand placement. "T-Tony, I'm calm."

"Your heart is pounding." He chuckled, smiling happily. "It's cute."

You scoffed, and tightened your legs around his waist. He made a goofy sound, making a shocked face.

Then he leaned forward. "This'll be a fun first kiss."

"Not yours, surely," you returned.

He paused to laugh. "Even scared senseless, you're still a sass."

You nodded slowly, still staring at his mouth. "Now kiss me already."

So his nose bumped yours, and his lips ghosted your mouth. Teasingly.

Then you jutted your hips out, so he groaned, saying, "alright, you have it your way."

And he kissed you, slowly at first, as if not wanting to overstep.

But then the hand over your heart slid to cover one breast, and you were reminded, duh, it's Tony Stark. He oversteps for fun.

A knock on the door made Tony laugh into your mouth, swearing. But he pulled back, hand off your chest. "At least they didn't throw the door open, huh?"

Tony stepped back, letting me place my feet back on the ground. I laughed weakly, sliding down the wall on my back.

He realized his mistake, and held out his hands, which I took, pulling me back to my feet.

Softly slinging an arm around my shoulders, he kicked the door open.

Clint stood smirking on the other end. "Screw her yet?"

I scoffed. "No."

"Not yet," Tony shrugged, kissing my temple.

Clint shrugged. "Guess who's item Tasha pulled?"



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