Tourist True Love Part One (Mabel POV)

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Apparently there's some kids banging on the door. Apparently they've been here for hours.
Apparently they jumped the town fence last night.
Apparently Dipper wants to murder them.

As I stroll down the long hallways of Pines manor, I can hear their knocking, growing louder as I get closer to the door.

I ease it open and find myself looking at two teenagers, only a couple years younger than myself. They look similar, medium skinned, tall and icy blue eyed.

The most obvious difference is that one has yellow dyed hair and the other blue. I also notice however, that Blue is skinnier and his posture is poor, Yellow stands very confidently.

As soon as he sees me his face lights up. And...slightly flushes red. He takes a step closer, running his hand slowly through his dyed hair.

"What's a smart, fine, like myself doing without your number?" He asks smoothly, smirking up at me.

I can't help but smile a bit. He notices and looks rather proud of his work.

"I suppose you don't have it can't call me without a phone."

I hold up a rectangular object that I acquired shortly after walking outside. Ice had passed it off to me after searching the boy's bag for anything suspicious.

"Wha-" his mouth drops and he pats down all his pockets, I assume he's trying to figure out if we snagged anything else. Ice just might have.

"How did you-" he stutters, both Blue and him stare at me in disbelief.

"It's a secret." I wink at the two.

Blue mostly looks scared, Yellow also looks slightly scared but thoroughly impressed.

I flip the phone over in my hands. It's several years old and the glass is shattered, cracks spreading across the screen. "
Why are you here?" I ask.

Blue bites his lip and looks away. Yellow seems uncomfortable.


"Your brother is the only person we know and therefore the only person who's house we could crash at..." Yellow slowly explains.

I think of Dipper, oh, he would hate this, he was just ranting to me about them...but...they don't seem that bad...I won't let them in without his input.

"Wait here."

• • •

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"No." Dipper says, not looking up from whatever the heck he's reading today.

"Why not?!" I plead with my brother.

"They jumped the fence, Mabel! They shouldn't be here!" He replies, looking up, visibly upset with me for the very suggestion they could stay.

"The Zodiac would kill us for hiding a stowaway!"

"Stowaways." I correct.

"And no, they wouldn't. What if one of them is the missing guardian, huh? And you turn them away!"

He gives me a look that says 'really'

We know that Six is dead. Well, we assume they are. Because it just makes sense.
Stan -our leader- doesn't like talking about them. That's solid proof.

And everyone here  knows Zodiac members find themselves supernaturally drawn to our town. Six should be here already. I don't want to believe they're dead, (even if I didn't know them) but it just makes sense.

"Have a heart!" I say.

"Have a head." Dipper retorts.

"What's the worst the Zodiac would do to us? We're an important part of them!"

He pauses. He knows it's true. Maybe we'd get yelled and scolded but we can deal with that. He wants to lead The Zodiac one day, that's why he always wants to do everything right and be a leader and follow the rules and be strict and study hard and practice and blah blah blah.

In my "invalid" opinion all you need to do is be old and cool and use your powers semi-well. When Stan dies the new leader will probably be Wendy. She's a fierce and skilled fighter but she's also responsible and tactical. Ice is the best.
(I'm sure Dipper would agree.)

Eventually my brother speaks
"Do whatever you want, Mabel. But don't rope me into this! If they ask I had no part. Because I don't."

I smile at him wide. He tries to hide his face behind his book again but I can tell he's smiling too. My smile might not be as contagious as Robbie's but it gets the job done.


A/N hope you enjoyed another chapter out of the blue! Welcome back to hiatus, kids!!! Ahahahahaha! Also...did ya see that banner? I made it -and It's my new hobby, HMU if you want one!
Have a good day/night/homework time Wattpad procrastination! God bless you all!

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