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"How on earth did you get here?"

Some shuffling around and a loud crash.

"Ow! What the bloody hell? Damned chairs, I swear to god these chairs are the most-"

Alfred groaned as he opened his eyes to see a bright light. Immediately, the voice stopped talking. There were a few rustling sounds before someone coughed and Alfred turned to see who it was.

"Arthur?" Alfred muttered. What was going on? Where was he?

Arthur frowned. "Im sorry, I couldn't hear you. Never-mind that, Who are you and why do you look exactly like America?"

Either Arthur was playing some sort of elaborate prank on him or this really wasn't Arthur, which again begged the question: Where was he?

Seeing that he was not going to answer, Not-Arthur went on to explain, "You suddenly appeared during a world meeting. We weren't sure where to take you, so we brought you to one of the spare rooms." He turned to leave the room through a door Alfred hadn't noticed until right then. "You'll stay here if you know what's good for you."

The room fell silent as he left. Alfred hesitantly sat up on the couch he was lying on and looked around the room. It was a simple room with a couch and a few chairs littered around the room. How did he get here? What was he doing last? He frowned as he tried to think of what he was doing last, but it was all fuzzy.

Alfred stilled as the door opened to Not-Arthur and someone who looked exactly like him aside from his clothing and crown.

Alfred blinked, "You must be America."

America pointed at him with an exaggerated flair. "Ahah! How does he know my name England? I told you this is some weird alien crap, but you didn't listen-"

Not-Arthur or England cut in, "I told him your name America, and I told you this has nothing to do with your aliens."

Alfred spoke up, "Excuse me, but where are we? Who are you and why do you look like me?"

America laughed. "That's actually what we were wondering. I'm America, short for the United States Of America, a.k.a the Greatest Nation in the World!"

England scoffed. "As if. If anything, you're the Greatest Idiot in the world."

Alfred eyed the two nations wearily before saying, "I am Alfred II, The King of Spades."

To his surprise, America looked at him half-horrified and half-elated, "There's no way my doppelgänger is a King. Where the heck is Spades anyways?"

Alfred frowned at America. "The Kingdom Of Spades has been around for thousands of years. Also, what do you mean you are a nation? That's not possible."

Before the two lookalikes could argue any more, England pointed to Alfred and said, "You are not from this world."

America's face lit up. "He's an alien!"

England immediately shot him down, "No. King Alfred here is not an alien." He paused before adding, "He's from a different world."

"What does that mean exactly?" Alfred asked exasperated with not getting a straight answer to his questions.

Before England could reply, the door once again opened. This time it was Francis, or at his lookalike. "What is taking you so long? Germany is shouting again, which is terribly unattractive, and we still need to know what has happened with the mysterious visitor. Is he awake yet?"

Not-Francis' eyes swept the room and smirked as they stopped on Alfred. "Dieu, You look exactly like America over there. I wonder why."

Noticing that America was about to speak, England quickly replied, "We'll discuss this in the meeting room. Now get out of here France before I drag you out by your disgusting mop on your head that you call hair."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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