5. Bruno club flats

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Why do I picture Bruno saying this in a infomercial- Wait a minuteeeee!


"Ok everyone! We all start in 10 seconds!" The director announced before running off set. Bruno straighten his red shirt and adjusted the microphone in his ear.

"Ok people! We start in three! Two! One!" The director said before his assistant used a clapperboard and ran off the set.

Bruno looks at the camera with a huge smile on his face,"Hey there! Are you out at the club with your girlfriends and this happens?"

The camera switches to a actress who dramatically loses her shoes even tho they're right behind her on the floor.

"Or this?!" Another actor throws her shoes and acts surprise as if they randomly disappeared from her hands.

The camera comes back to Bruno who looked at the camera for a couple of seconds until someone motioned him to speak,"Well! This is the product for you!"

"Introducing! Bruno's club flats!"
The camera pans to a image of a pair gold and black flats.

"Made with 100% gold Versace silk! Bruno's club flats are the most comfortable shoes in da world!"

"All you gotta do is but you're shoes in your bag or purse, and when you need them, take them out and your ready to go!" Bruno explained as the camera showed someone demonstrating it.

"But that's not all! Your ass thought it's was! You can also use your shoes for other things!"

"You can put drinks like tequila and much more inside!" One of the actors poured rum into the shoe and drinks out of it.

"You can also use it as a dangerous weapon!" Bruno adds showing a video on Cardi b throwing a shoe at some random girl.

"You can also use it as a dangerous weapon!" Bruno adds showing a video on Cardi b throwing a shoe at some random girl

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"Now! You must be thinking! These cost $50 to $100? NO! These shoes right here only cost $35.99, I repeat! Only $35.99!"

But we're not gonna get into that!" Bruno awkwardly laughed.

"But! If you go on Brunomars.com and type the bar code down below, you can get buy one get on free!" Bruno said pointing down to the code that says 'Bruno is sexy'

"You'll also get a free XXIVk SnapBack! Andd some chunky shorts!"

"So go buy Bruno's club flats today! Feet sore? Fear no more! Because
WE GOT CHU!" Bruno finishes the commercial with a cheesy smile on his face.

The screen turns to a picture on the flats with the spokesperson saying the rest of the information.








I'm not proud of what I made...but I had to😂

But I hope u like this shit tho even tho it was short🤣💖

Bruno mars scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now