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Death death kill kill whispered the shadows as the silver-furred wolf leapt towards the throat of the opponent, an oak brown wolf jumped to the side and slashed a deep cut on the silver wolf's side, the silver wolf quickly slid under the brown wolf knocking him over and then the silver wolf swiftly turned and gave the killing bite on the brown wolf's neck, the brown wolf gasped one last time then died, the silver wolf backed up then staggered and fell unconscious. The silver wolf woke in a cold cage and looked around and saw that his partner's cage was empty "they must have gotten rid of her" "there isn't a reason for me to stay now" he murmured to himself, he than stood painfully up and lifted his tail, aiming for the weakest part of the bars he slammed his tail into it, with a deafening crash the bars crumbled and the wolf started running leaving a trail of crimson blood.

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