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The sky is dark and gloomy, the sounds of raindrops hitting against the window is the music to Jennie's ear. It reminded her,of her ex-lover - Lisa - who always held her tight in her arms; knowing that the older is scared of thunder.

Lightning struck and thunder growled; it only breaks Jennie's heart, how she wished Lisa didn't ended their relationship. Jennie could no longer bare with the pain, she grabbed her phone and dialed Lisa.

'Beep...beep...beep' as Jennie felt her heart beating faster.

"Hello..?" She recognized this voice, it was Lisa's mom; she sounded like she had been crying.

"Amma? It's me Jennie..." she said

"Oh...Jennie i'm so sorry...Lisa s-she's gone" Lisa's mom replied
Jennie's world crumbled upon the word, tears running down her face...

"Amma your kidding right..? Please tell me this is just a joke." She said trembling as she tried to hold onto her phone.

"No am not Jennie...she committed suicide l-last night... she also left something for you. Please come get it Jennie."

Jennie didn't even bother to end the call, she ran outside her house and got into her car. She drove directly to Lisa's house, quickly she got out of the car and barged into the front door. Leaving Lisa's mom is a shocked state, she handed Jennie an envelope and it reads

'Jennie ♡'

Tears started to roll down her face again, she bowed thanking Lisa's mom and went back to her car.

Slowly, she opened the letter it reads

' Hey beautiful! Stop crying ~
If you're reading this Jennie it means i'm gone, sorry i left without saying goodbye. Jennie you don't know how much you mean to me, i didn't want to leave but i just had too.

But i just can't stand living another day knowing that i'm gonna leave this world any second. I have Leukemia, and that caused our relationship to end i didn't have much time to live.

I didn't want you to suffer when i'm gone, but here i am writing a letter to you explaining the cause of our breakup and my death. I decided to push you away because it would make things easier, actually it's because am a coward.

When i left you i regretted it, everything in me changed. My health got worse, i miss your warm hugs; your soft lip against mine. Your touches, your beautiful angelic face and your gummy smile.

And if your asking why didn't i fight? Well, there's no chance of healing because my body got very weak. I did chemotherapy but my body couldn't handle the side effects, so i decided just to live my life the fullest.

But as time passed by i got sick of living. Living day by day without you by my side was meaningless.

Jennie remember you had always been my first love and last. You will always have my heart...I love you ♡


Jennie was left confused and hurt. Millions of questions running through her head, still crying she started her car and drove off. She gazed off, with tears still rolling down her cheeks. She speeded her car not caring if she's gonna get a speeding ticket.

"Blag" as everything went black, Jennie could hear faint whispers and sirens. And she went into a deep sleep never waking up again...

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