I wished i had you

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-Lisa POV-

When i realized i like you,
I found out you had a boyfriend.

My whole world flipped but,
I still put a smile on my face to hide the pain.

When i heard you broke up with him
I was so happy that maybe i'll have a chance.
But seem like god wanted to punish me,
I found out you won't date girls.

A few week passed you told me you guys got back together, it again broke me into millions of pieces. But i still chose to smile, while am dying inside.

I tried to get over you, but it seems like everything you do is just too perfect. It affected me every little things you do makes me flutter.

I told myself that it was just a friend thing, i'm only loving you one-sided. Between us two will never be possible.

I heard that i'll maybe have a chance to date you, which got me all hyped for a whole fucking week.

Then you dumped him, i really wanted to ask you out but i thought it was too fast so i stopped myself.

After days of debating with my own mind, i lost the courage to asked you out.

And now i'm still keeping my feelings inside me...while my heart desire is to have in my arms

Okay that was cringeee.....

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