Pills & potions

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Zay pov

Ughhhh my head is killing me it feels like my skull is trying to burst open. i looked around my surroundings and saw ashley sitting in the chair next to me she was drooling all in her food nasty ass hefer kidnapped me ughhh why cant she just move on that one night stand ment nothing to me i love y/n not ashley

I tried to move but i was hand cuffed to the bed 😒 for why this bishhh wanna get that ass beat like frfr why u kidnapping qnd handcuffing niggas aint it supposed to be the other way around

I guess i was thinking out loud because ashley woke up and looked straight at me with a devious smile that i just wanted to shit on like why tf are you smiling creep

Ashley pov

I was awoken by the sound of zays voice omfg his voice gives me life like ughhh why cant i just have him? why cant he just love me? 😪 thats ok ill just have to make him love me and keep him here forever. i got up and sat on zays lap and kissed him his lips felt like cloud 9 but i was interupted out my thoughts by zay biting my lip supper hard i felt my lips and saw blood i jumped up and ran to the bathroom try to stop the blood from rushing out my mouth

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