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YNs pov

As I put on my clothes I couldnt help but think that I was guilty. Questions ran through my mind? Was I really overexaggerating with zay or did i do the right thing by cutting him off ? I was so deep in thought that i forgot I was still at darios house. I grab my purse and keys and kiss dario goodbye. I dont know what too think right now. I got into my 2013 red camero and went home. As i pull into the drive way i see a shadowy figure. I got out my pistol and got out the car. my hands where shakey and my heart was going 120 mph. i walked throught the door and the wood made a creek. I proceeded carefully and went to the kitchen to see....

just a little update. but who did yn see? wheres zay?is he ok?

L.o.v.eDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora