~Entertain Me~

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~My other half~

Chapter 2

~Entertain me!~

Tsukimi's POV

I sat there, in the living room of the Tendo family with five pairs of eyes staring intently at my face. I'm starting to feel slightly awkward. Especially with the man in a white karate shirt and pants staring at me. I don't even know who this guy is and he's staring at me like I'm the scum of the earth! What's his problem?

"Exactly who are you?" the strange man asked, the light glinting off his round glasses and into my eyes causing me to squint slightly from the bright white light.

"That's what I'd like to know." Mr. Tendo exclaimed, closing his eyes and crossing his arms in a stern way.

"Awwww... Come on dad, Kasumi, Nabiki! Don't you recognize her?" Akane asked with a bright smile still plastered on her face.

"Her?!" they all shouted in unison, their heads seemingly growing in size.

"Yup! I'm Tsukimi. I think you might remember me." I said rubbing the back of my head chuckling.

"Tsukimi-chan????" Nabiki shouted in surprise with her eyes as wide as saucers.

"Yup! It's me!" I said with a smile and yet another peace sign.

"... To think that I was flirting with you..." She muttered under her breath her left eye twitching as she slowly turned away from me in embarrassment.

"B-but how?" Kasumi stuttered.

"Like this." I said as I grabbed the still warm kettle and poured the contents on my spiky white hair while the whole room fell into silence. I felt myself shrink and my chest grow. Of course this all happened in less than a second. Exactly how that works, I have no idea. When I opened my eyes, they were all staring at me intently.

"Not another one..." they sighed as the atmosphere completely changed from tensed to relaxed.

"Eh? What exactly do you mean by that?" I asked genuinely confused with a tilt of my head.

"Well, you see, this man here and his son, Ranma, also bear similar curses to yours." Mr. Tendo informed as he gestured to the man who was giving me suspicious stares. Ranma-jerk must have inherited his stupid cockiness and overconfident-ness from this guy.

"Oh? And what spring did you fall in then, Mr. Saotome." I said with a strained smile. Ugh... I don't wanna even think about that Ranma-jerk.

"It's horrible! Much worse than yours." he cried as tears streamed down his face like mini waterfalls.

"Okay, let's see then." I said as I stood up and lifted him from the back of his shirt and hurled him over my shoulder. He looks strong enough to handle what I'm going to do.

"Hey wai-" he started to say as he flew out the door and towards the koi pond just outside. He landed with a huge splash and emerged out of the water as a big fluffy pillow of black and white.

"Oh... You turn into a panda. I'm sorry. I thought you'd still be able to talk at the very least." I chuckled as I gave him a smile and ran over to him pouring some of what remained in the kettle on his head. Once again he transformed back to his original form.

"Hmmm... What is your relationship with Akane Tendo?" he questioned seriously looking at straight In the eye.

"She's my lover." I said with a dead straight face, trying my best not to laugh. Will he actually fall for it?

"EH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??" he shouted in utter shock practically jumping to the ceiling. "Akane how could you!!!! You're engaged!!!" he lectured as he shook her shoulders as if she were a mad woman. He does realize that I'm a girl right? Plus, I don't swing that way.

My other half - a Ranma 1/2 fanfiction (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now