Intro || 语音

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Eunjin was a silent one. She wasn't fond of anything that had to do with social interaction.

She was basically your typical loner.

But with a reason.

She was selectively mute.

She wanted friends but she was too shy to talk to people. Eunjin didn't get anxiety attacks at all but once she's face to face with another human being she isn't comfortable with, she gets brain dead.

Her mouth can't seem to open and she really loses her voice right then and there- the main reasons as to why she has no friends.

She honestly thought she'd go through Highschool- or Hell as some might say- without a friend or a companion.

The only person she's ever spoken to at school was with her teachers in private and this new student who asked her where the bathroom was.

In short, she's a lonely bitch.

She wanted someone to laugh with or to share lunch with, your typical 9th grade friendship.

She wished for that- no, she longed for that.

And then one day, her wish came true, it happened. Someone finally decided to want to be friends with her.

You'd think that Eunjin would be happy but she wasn't. Because Ji Changmin was the candidate to being her friend.

Yeah, she didn't really like him.

He was loud, obnoxious and a little too soft for her liking. Yes she wanted someone to laugh with but she didn't want to be stuck with someone who spouted out saliva all over her face every 10 seconds.

Ji Changmin pestered her day by day to at least say a word but Eunjin was too persistent not too.

If only Eunjin had wished she didn't want any one to deal with, only then would she have a peaceful highschool life.

But no, because Ji Changmin is here to ruin the rest of it.


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