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Hello again! This is the third part, with just a hints of actual plot but mostly cute domestic fluff, so no worries!

In which Peter is hungry , Tony doesn't like Spiderman and Bucky is scared.

The rainy streets of Queens were dirty and full of mud, the sky in it's ugly grey colour. It was quite cold, being the start of November, people were walking around with umbrellas and thick jackets.

It was already half past six when Peter managed to walk in to the dark back alley, and climb his way to one of the roofs, only one thought repeatedly crossing his mind.

God, it's cold.

"Come on, Spidey, keep it up," a familiar voice said, making the teen pull a tired smile.

He sat next to the boy, closing his eyes brielfy.
"What do you want to know?"

The boy smirked, crossing his arms, shifting uncomfortably in his soaked grey sweater.

"Everything. I want to know how you came from a confused spider-bitten pussy to the New York's most famous hero."

"The most wanted one, too," Peter smirked, and the boy had to agree.

"Well, it started like that. I started discovering my powers, controlling them, until one day...I guess I just became Spiderman," he shrugged, and smiled awkwardly.

"One doesn't just become Spiderman, dude! But I know about that. What I wanna know is how you suddenly became wanted by your own parents! One does not get hunted by the freaking Avengers for shop lifting!" the boy said.

"Well, it's actually pretty weird..."


"I don't like that Spiderman guy," Tony said, sitting in on the couch, legs up, looking through many tabs Friday had opened for him.

Bucky, who had been playing cards with Clint grinned.
"Don't worry, Stark, I don't think he'll steal your spotlight."

Both Steve and Clint laughed, receiving dirty looks from the genius on the couch.

"Come on, Tones, he's obviously a good guy, helping out people and all. What on Earth could be bothering you?"Steve asked, joining his best friend on the table, while Clint passed him a few cards.

He glared dangerously at Bucky, before throwing the 4+ card on the center of the table, where a pile of already used cards were. The man sucked in a breath, looking at the super soldier with shock.

"You betrayed my trust!"

"What I don't like is that he might have a deal with Peter."

There was silence in the room as the three of them looked at Tony in confusion. Before Clint laughed and broke it.

"So that's it? You just think the kid is going to hang out with so called Spiderman and have a bad influence?"

"If that's it, he wouldn't have to look that far," Bucky said, looking at Steve, earning a light punch in the shoulder.

"I mean, I know you are like super overprotective, but come on, Tony."

The man sighed, rubbing his temples. He was in a room full of idiots.

"It's not that! He's been swinging around Queens a lot, has been even seen around the kid's school. All I'm worried about is, due to the obvious fact the guy isn't really a pro at what he's doing-"

"I would say he knows what he's doing," Clint said, remembering the footage of the man in the suit basically stopping the car before it could crash in to the bus, with a few tons of impact force.

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