What the hell just happened??

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"It's going to start....soon..."

A deep voice whispered in my ear. My eyes fluttered open and I sat up on my bed from the panic.
I looked around. No blue flames. No tall scary looking stranger wearing a black cloak. Just my old room, sun beaming through the windows.

"Not again" I muttered and covered my face with my hands feeling annoyed.I waited for a while for my breathing to become normal. Not another nightmare. I fell back on the pillows and stared at the morning sky through my windows.

I've been having wierd nightmares for a while now. It started at the beginning of this month. I remember that day well because it was special to me.
That day I won the first place in the running event.I became the first from the whole country. Yeah, you read that right.

I am still having a hard time accepting that fact even though it's been almost a month since it happened. It's true that I've been in to athletics since I was a kid. But I never had big dreams like that.
How ever that day, I started having dreams of this weird dude in a black cloak saying stuff like "They are coming","It will start", "Everythings going to change".

I didn't care about the nightmares until this moment because it was just a figure of a person. I thought it's because of a scary movie I watched lately with my friend Trina.

But today was different. I saw his eyes.

I saw that person's eyes clearly in my dream

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I saw that person's eyes clearly in my dream. They were beautiful and deep. I haven't seen such beautiful eyes ever in my life. Dreaming about someone I know is fine but this whole thing about seeing eyes very clearly of a dude I don't know was creeping me out a lot.
I sighed again and slapped my face. "Snap out of it" I got out of the bed to get ready for the school.
School. Another disaster.
Since I was practicing hard for the running event I didn't get much time to study. The finals are getting closer and I have no idea how I'm gonna face it. It's my life after all. I've  got to handle with it.

As soon as I was ready, I went down stairs for breakfast.
"Good morning my strong girl!!!" My dad said smiling widely as I entered the kitchen.
"Ew...dad, stop calling me that. It's embarrassing. I just won a running event in the country. Not the world cup or something. Morning mom..." I kissed my mom on the cheek.
"Breakfast is already on the table dear" she said.
"Where's Steve?" I asked while eating my breakfast.
"He left early. Practice I guess. It's late. I should go." Dad kissed me and mom and left for work.

Steve is my brother. For whatever ever reason I missed him today. Weird.

As soon as I finished my breakfast I left for school. I met Trina on the way as usual and we were walking to the school while joking and talking normally, until a black luxurious looking car came at high speed and stopped right in front of us.
Two tall dudes wearing sunglasses got out of it and came quickly toward us.
I looked at Trina. She looked kind of dazed. She looked like she was going to faint anytime soon. I reached for her.
"Tri-" The two guys grabbed me from my hands which caught me off guard because I was worried for Trina.

"What the hell are you doing?? Let go of me." I struggled to get free. They dragged me to the car. " Tri !!! Help me !!!" I screamed looking at her while using all of  my energy to get myself free.
She stared at me in daze and smiled. Then she continued to walk away as if nothing happened. "Tri !!!! What are you doing?? Help me!!! Are you crazy??? " But she didn't even turn to look at me.
"WHAT-" Stop screaming. One guy threatened and pushed me in to the car. I fell inside and hit my head on something hard. I started seeing different colours. My head was spinning.

What the hell just happened??? I must be losing my mind. Maybe I'm still sleeping. Just another nightmare. Everything's gonna be fine. It's ok. Then I blacked out

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