New friend

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Wow..Am I dead? Everything was black.
No I can't be dead.
Eventhough I couldn't see anything, I could feel the cold rough texture against my back and my legs. It was the floor. I was on the floor. It was uncomfortable.
I felt something familiar about this. I was resting my head on someone's lap. It was warm and comfortable. It felt secure.

It reminded me of my childhood when I rested my head like that on my dad's lap. I loved to fall asleep, resting my head on my dad's lap while listening to his bed time stories.
This felt just like that. Am I really with my dad?
"Dad?" I called. No answer. I tried to open my eyes.
At first it was pitch black but as the time passed by my eyes adjusted and I could see things. I was inside a dark room. No lights. A dim light faded in to the room from a small window.
Then I focused on the person who was holding me.

It wasn't dad. It was someone I don't know. I was going to scream but then I noticed that he was sleeping.
Soft snoring sounds came from him as he slept calmly. I couldn't see his face clearly from this angle. His head was bent to one side revealing a sharp perfect jaw line. He was wearing a white t-shirt. It was wet and sticking to his body like he just finished his workout.
For whatever reason I didn't feel like wa
king him up even though I didn't know him. Weird. So I slowly tried to lift my head up.

The pain hit me from no where. It felt like someone just stabbed me with a knife in the head. "Aaawwwwww..." I couldn't help but scream.
The boy woke up with a jerk. I could feel that he was tensed by my scream.

It took him a few seconds to figure out what was going on just like me.Then he looked down at me.
"What's wrong?" He asked with a caring look.
" I want to stand up but my head hurts like crap." I said wincing from the pain.
" Let me see."
He said with a soft caring voice. His hand reached for my head as he bent down to examine. His face was getting closer to mine.

" Stop right there you pervert !!!"
I screamed.He drew back and looked at me like I was nuts.
" Excuse me?? Pervert??" He asked.
" Yeah.I don't know you. But you are holding me. And now you are trying to get close to me. It all screams pervert to me.I don't need your help."
I tried to lift my head again wishing it would be less painful. No luck. The pain was impossible to handle with. I fell back on to his lap slowly feeling hopeless. I gritted my teeth to avoid screaming.

No one said anything. Then after a while he asked. " So.... What now??? You said  not to help but you can't get up. Do you want me to hold you like this until you die???" He was angry.

I didn't say anything. I couldn't.
Then after a while he started speaking.

"listen, I'm not a pervert ok? Whatever happened to you this morning?, the same happened with me.
I was put in this room. I fainted I guess. I don't remember. But I came around and waited alone.
Then they came with you. They dumped you on to the floor like a toy or something and went away.
I thought it must be cold for you and that's why I held you like that. I just couldn't leave you freezing to the death." He explained without a break staring at the window where the light came from.

He was helping me and I looked at him like that? I felt bad. I hated myself for doing that  I was calling him a pervert while this guy was genuinely trying to help me.

Then it all started to come flooding in.

What happened in the morning, how Trina ignored me, how those people kidnapped me. Where am I? What is happening? What's wrong with my head? I was scared. My eyes started to get wet.

I never liked to ask for help from others or worse depend on them. I'm that type of a person. I was strong enough to live like that until today.
Right now I needed help and I hated it. Tears slowly formed and fell down the sides of my face. I couldn't hold it in anymore.
Then the guy slowly looked at me.

"Let me help you. Please." His anger was gone. I couldn't look at him after calling him that. But I  slowly nodded, staring at anywhere but his face.

His face bent towards my head. I could feel his fingers running through my hair examining the damage. Then he straightened.
" Its not bleeding or anything but you must have got hit very hard. There's a big lump in the left side of your head. We'd have to do something before it gets worse." He explained.
" But what can we do?? There's no first aid here" I said.
" Don't worry" He slowly bent forward a little making sure not to jostle my head and then took his t-shirt off.

" What the hell-" I suddenly forgot all about crying and everything.
" I'm trying to be a pervert like you wanted." I couldn't say anything because I was shook  from the sight of his perfect abs. I knew I shouldn't look but I was so surprised.

" Kidding !!" he gave me a playful smile like a little kid while folding his shirt several times.
"I'm just making a pillow for your head. Now let's try lifting your head. Don't lift it with effort. It will hurt if you do that. Let me do it."

He put his hand on the unharmed side of my head." This is gonna hurt a bit. So talk with me while I'm doing it. You gotta pay attention to something else"

He slowly lifted my head. The pain came as soon as he touched my head. He saw it in my eyes.
" Jungkook.." he suddenly said while lifting my head.
"My name. It's Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. What's yours?"
" Oh um..My name i-" again the pain hit me because of the movements.
I winced.
" Hey, talk to me...What's your name?" Jungkook asked looking in to my eyes.
" I'm y/n"
"Hmm....nice name. So.... y/n can we be friends??"
" um... .yeah. I guess we can"
" Cool !!  And...there it's done." Without knowing I was out of his lap and resting my head on his piled up shirt on the floor.
" Hey..why did you do that? It was comfortable before than this." I complained.

"I did that so that I can get up and ask for help.
They are keeping us here for a reason.They wouldn't want us dead."
Then jungkook stood up and walked to the door.

Next thing he did was starting to kick and pound on the metal door hard, causing a huge noise. He screamed "Help ! Help !!" like an idiot while doing that.
" What? Jungkook Stop it !! They will just shoot us on the spot for doing this!!! "
I yelled at him but too late. I heard foot steps of  someone running in our direction. It's over.

Jungkook backed up from the door. The door blast opened. A tall,built guy stood  blocking the door." Do you want to try the special treatment to keep your mouths shut?? " He yelled.

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